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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Michael S. Swaffar

image purchase offer

I'm just curious to know if anyone else on better photo has had interest from Ayman Awad wanting to purchase an image??

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February 11, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  I haven't heard of him. Perhaps if you would post his email to you here, we could help determine if it is a scam.

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February 11, 2007


Michael S. Swaffar
  It was very short and simple...

Dear Micheal.
Kindly note that we are interested in you photo Pure velvet, Please advice if you are welling to sell it, and the price.

Best regards
Ayman Awad

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February 12, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Hmmm. If you would have a website you sell from, then you would just be able to give them that link. If you have a paypal merchant account, that would help against scams when selling. It's probably not a scam, but let's see what others say.

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February 12, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  P.S. Your subject of the picture must have signed a model release otherwise you could run into trouble.

P.P.S. I'm not sure the content of your photographs meet BetterPhoto's Terms and Conditions for Uploading Photos to BetterPhoto: "Unsuitable images for this family friendly site include... photos of a sexually suggestive... content."

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February 12, 2007


Michael S. Swaffar
  Thanks for trying to be helpful, Ariel... I'm aware of model release and have sold images before. I've just never heard of Ayman Awad and could find very little of him on the web.
Sorry if my gallery offended you. You are more than welcome to request betterphoto to remove the images you refered to....
Thanks again

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February 12, 2007


Irene Troy
  Hi Michael –

From the quality of your work in your gallery, I assume that you already are selling work and that you have releases for your images. Do you shoot for magazines and ads? Not that it matters in this instance. Unfortunately, and unfairly some times, I am wary of e-mails and other communication from people I do not know and whose names (this is terrible and shows a real provincialism I fear) place them as likely from Nigeria or that part of the world. Why? Not just simple prejudice; in the past couple of years there have been multiple e-mail/Internet scams that appear to originate in Nigeria. Sure, I am lumping everything together; however, I keep getting e-mails from Nigeria (or at least claiming to be from there) offering to purchase my writing work. When I’ve checked up on the legitimacy of these “offers” they have all been scams. I’m really not sure why these idiots have chosen Nigeria, all I can think is that either the country has lax controls on commerce, or so many of us from America are unfamiliar with that part of the world and thus ready victims for scams. When I get such an e-mail, if I have any question that it might just be legitimate, I write back and politely request some verification that the offer is real. Most of the time the legit folks quickly offer this verification and the crooks go elsewhere. It’s a nasty world when we have to be so cautious, but… I hope that this helps you somewhat.


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February 12, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  Ariel - I think the dozens of Contest Finalists, Winners, and Photos of the Day in Michael's gallery are clear evidence that BetterPhoto finds his work acceptable.

Michael - I agree with Irene, you can't help but feel suspicious about every offer these days. I haven't seen any scams with that particular name so far. It wouldn't hurt to ask for some more information. Most scammers will show their true colors pretty quickly, or they just won't respond.

Ask him if he is interested in a particular size print, or in purchasing a one-time use of the digital file. Give him some of your typical prices. Ask him where he is located.

If he says he wants a very large print, and that he has a "private shipping service" or an "associate in the states" that will handle shipping, it's probably a scam. The next thing he will offer is to send you a money order or cashier's check for the agreed-upon amount plus the shipping costs. You will need to deposit the check and send the extra money to his associate. The check or money order might pass through your bank, but will be returned by the issuing bank as a counterfeit.

If he says he's from Nigeria or Liberia, you should stop the deal right there. I feel sorry for any actual West Africans out there trying to do legitimate business, but the scammers have given you a bad name.

I'm sure you already know better than to give out any bank or credit card info if he asks to pay by some type of wire transfer - too risky. There are safe ways of doing business, like with PayPal or Western Union.

Good luck, and congratulations on all your winners. You have some really stunning images.

Chris A. Vedros

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February 13, 2007


Michael S. Swaffar
  Thanks for your helpful info, Irene and Chris.
I had replied to the email requesting more info and heres what I got.

"Dear Micheal
Thank you very much for your reply, I have attached the photo I am interested with, and we need it to use it in an advertisment in a magazine, we are a ladies fabric retailers in Jordan ( Middle east ) and we find that the picture will suit our need with the AD, So we are interested to buy the photo and sending us a printed picture of in to enable us to use it, as buy internet the resulation is not enough, so if you have a price in mind and interested to sell it to us in a reasunable price we will be so greatful "

I've never had anyone want to purchase one of my images from Betterphoto.. I've sold to local companies for marketing mat. or website but even then they contact me to tell me what they want, and thats what I get them. I've considered doing stock photography but just havent gotten around to it... not sure if there much $$ in it.

Thanks again

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February 13, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  That email is suspicious. First, it is from the Middle East. Second, they want a print when that is in fact inferior to the quality capable of being sent as an attachment in an email, so they probably are going to want to do some kind of scam. Tell them that one is capable of sending higher quality as an email than can be sent as a print, and it is less expensive, and see what they say.

P.S. How do they know that you use the fabric that they are selling?!
P.P.S. The company has no photographers for this kind of stuff?!

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February 13, 2007


Michael S. Swaffar
  I've talked it over with the model and we've decided we're just not interested.
I found someone by the same name but possbile not the same person, also from Jordan with a BAD REP.
But thanks for all the advice.

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February 13, 2007


Samuel Smith
  i viewed everyone of micheal's gallery photos and found no offensive material.
my grandkids are visitors here and have my permission to view art.
it seemed tastefully done,yet to some I would agree maybe provacative,but only in an adult sense of perception.
I have seen more skin and body parts shown in casual and everyday dress from viewing teenagers on the street.
I have a photo book I purchased that shows a women in a sunlit window breastfeeding her child with many fine hairs glistening in the me it was a sincere capture,but it was removed in the 2nd edition because of me it was a beautiful photo,and to some offensive.i guess we all make a judgement and should be willing to accept anothers capture or that to some it may seem offensive.
just a note,sam

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February 13, 2007


Craig m. Zacarelli
  dont trust em Michael.... as far as you can throw that print!! I used to get allot of scam emails from (through here) and its just something we have to deal with, now I sell through my site so they HAVE to pay by CC no matter what!!
gotta be carefull in this age of the scam artist we live in!

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February 14, 2007


Michael S. Swaffar
  Thanks Sam and Craig.... I not going to even attempt it.

and I agree with you Sam.... maybe people with nasty thoughts see nasty things.. When I see an image of a kiss, I dont wonder or assume what happened before the kiss or whats going to happen next.. .its just a kiss.

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February 14, 2007

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