BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Joy Rector

Small Photography Businesses

How many of you fellow members are working as full-time

Or having the photography as a side business to your other job?

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February 05, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  Mine is a side-business. I have my name company as a DBA so I have a business bank account

I am a software engineer as my full time job. Helps with Photoshop skills and always having the latest and greatest computer and technology to do my edits on. haha.

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February 28, 2007


Robert M. Nicholson
  I just took my photography full-time in September.

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March 01, 2007


Carolyn L. Fox
  I don't have a regular full-time job now, so I've just started doing photography on a full-time basis. As you know, however, it's a very competitive industry. Even if you have wonderful photos, if you don't market them correctly, you won't sell them. That's what I'm working on now. Best of luck to all of you.

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March 08, 2007


Linda Finstad
I have two businesses Hats by Emmanuel - I supply specailty headwear to hospital gift shops and my photography business A Sharper Image - photography.

It works really well as they both have busy and slow seasons.

However the photography business is getting progresivley busier as I build a client base and become more established. It is a fun business with endless possibilities and opportunities.
But it does take time to get established so my advice would be to start off part time and as the work increases then devote more of your time to the business.
The only problem with this business is the gear, and a desire to have it all which kinda eats away at any profit there might have been, Oh well at least you have all the gear right.

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March 09, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  Good Morning Joy,
Both, I work for a company training Photographers and designing some special events. This is keeping me very busy and having this paycheck is getting me to my ultimate goals in my home and studio.
I also do my own studio work around my scheduale.
As I step away from this company I will have purchased all I have dreamed about for my Studio and my passion of photography.
Very intresting Question,

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March 09, 2007


Shirley Fairley
  I work free-lance and am home with 2 kids. For me the problem is the work that I enjoy and am really focusing on is photographing kids and their families and that works best outside. Living in Toronto, that means a rather short season.
I'm always looking for new ways to sell more pictures.

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April 12, 2007


Angela Griffin
  I run my photography business from home part-time. I'm able to be home with my 3-year-old son and still make a great income from photography. Someone mentioned about marketing being the most important aspect and they are right.

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June 16, 2007

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