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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Linda Finstad

photo Parties

Hi - I was wondering if anyone has any working knowledge of the photo parties biz opportunity offered by
It seems like a great idea but the info pack is a little steep at $995.
Or does anyone do their own photo parties and would be willing to share some ideas on how to structure the work flow of multiple shoots also how to price it. I have done something similar for horses and their owners "Farm shoot picture day" everyone has a half hour time slot for their mini shoot. with horses it was easier because each person had to trailer their animal to the host farm and then after their shoot they packed them up and went home. SO I dont have lots of people hanging around (and interferering ) from the get go.
I imagine doing this for a home party would be really difficult.
Has any one any ideas

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February 02, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it might be a duck.

But, if it offers high rewards and charges almost a thousand bucks for the info pack, you can be sure it's a potential money-maker for the seller. But, the words in th ads don't necessarily assure you'll make back your investment in just two or three shoots.

Have you been to a Tupperware Party recently or an Avon/Mary Kay Party? These are household "name product lines" that done bring in the kind of money you're being told about. Oh, I guess there may have been one photo party that did "gross" well. Somewhere along the way.

Have you ever asked a photographer at a juried Arts and Crafts Show his gross sales from a show? [We should ask Kerry Walker.] But, I go to these shows all the time and rarely see a photograph sold. And, a friend who makes great B&W's [in the wet darkroom] complains about how difficult it is to make a sale for a fair price.

I've looked into Not Your Normal Photography, advertised in Pop Photo and other magazines. The ads suggest that one can make almost $3000 in a day [or is it a weekend?] Maybe Pam did once, but Jeff sure wants to sell their "proven method." So, is income per shoot as good as from selling the "how-to books?"

There's a great bridge for sale in New York City. I can get it for you wholesale.

Call me "cynical." Making monbey as a photographer takes a lot of hard work.

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February 02, 2007


Ashley Johnson
  Eh...I don't so much agree w/ the whole "takes a lot of hard work thing". Not that its super easy...but if you can be creative and think outside the doesn't have to be that hard to get business. But I also don't think you need to buy a package in order to do portrait parties. I got my backdrop and lighting system for less than $995. should check out the forum on have been a lot of threads about portrait parties specifically as of late and the people on that board are incredibly helpful.

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February 02, 2007


Ashley Johnson will be down from 8am-2pm CST tomorrow (Sat Feb 3) for maintainance and updates, just in case you try and get on there and can't...but no worries, they'll be back...again, it's a great forum.

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February 02, 2007

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