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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Future in photography for me?

So I just got back from 3 months of traveling europe, and japan. I took hundreds of pictures, and all my freinds and even poeple I dont know that well say that my pictures were "professional" looking, brilliant and very bueatiful. most were pictures of architecture, and landscape with poeple thrown in here and there.

alot of poeple say I should do this for a living, but I have no formal training, (i took two photography classes in high school) and I dont want to be a wedding photoghapher, I am intersted only in landscape, architecture, and maybe life stills.

My questions are, is there a future in photoghaphy for me? what course of action should I take if there is if there is? can I get a job at a magazine or the like? HElp!

thank you!

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January 22, 2007


Jason R. Fortenbacher
That's really great that people are really enjoying your photographs!

Before you start going pro I would suggest you get out and take a lot of pictures. Not hundreds, but thousands. Find websites such as this and get as much feedback from professionals as possible. And not only from one source either, search around, and get several different opinions for each seperate piece. Once you get a decent portfolio and have been able to develope your own personal style of photography, then you'll be able to better judge whether to go pro or not.

Whenever I post one of my pictures of an aircraft on this site, all I get are, "wow, that's realy great!" or "cool airplane!" or something. Nothing like the responses I get from other aviation photographers where they pick my photos appart every time! Having taken approximately 24,000 pictures since I switched to digital 9 months ago (average of 88 pictures every day), I'm finally starting to find what my personal style is.

Good luck and most of all, continue to enjoy photography and the incredible challenges it provides!

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January 22, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  I would like to say that there is a future in photography for anyone who can take a picture, who is learned in the craft of photography and is motivated enough to make it happen, at least to an extent.

In order to take photographs you at least have shown enough aptitude to learn all of the ins and outs of your gear. If you haven't then it should at least be a priority.

For me, taking a picture isn't simply enough. I have to know what the print is going to look like and use all of the controls at my disposal AT EXPOSURE to make it to that end. And knowing and being able to manipulate those controls takes a lot of study and practice.

And, regardless of what you end up doing with your photography, you have to make it happen. One cannot rely on the chance obseration of your cherished exposure by an art director for your favorite magizine. You gotta be willing to go out there and make it happen on a weekly, if not daily, basis.

This being said, make sure that your photography is for you. Because if you are not happy with your work then you will not be willing to go out and take pictures, bettering yourself will not be a high priority and any motivation will be lost.

So ask not what your photography can do for you, ask what you can do for your photography.

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January 23, 2007

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