BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Raven Roberts

Just starting.

Hi guys.! My name is Raven and I am looking to start my Photography career this year. I know alot of you are professionals and I need some help with some questions.

1. What do I have to do to register with the government to be able to work and pay taxes as a hotographer?

2. Do I have to get a model release notorized or not?

3. Do I have to have insurance for on-location projects to protect my models in case they get hurt?

4. Do I have to have a permit to take on-location pictures?

Thats it. I know its alot to ask of someone to answer me but I am very eager and there are no photography classes in my area.

Thanks so much.


ps. check out my pics. =)

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January 20, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Virtually all of your questions here, except one, Raven, would be answered if you take the time and make effort to first develop a flexible business (not just career) plan. That would include a budget for things like marketing, insurance, bonding, equipment, depreciation schedules for tax purposes, business licenses, ad infinitim.

Unfortunately, most photography classes don't teach business practices. You need to go to places like jr. colleges, night schools, or universities to learn them and I strongly suggest that you learn them. Unfortunately, without a biz plan, you're basically doomed to failure as so many other wannabe photographers have found out. You can apprentice for someone but then you'll likely only learn their biz practices which may not help you in the overall scheme of situations you get into.

The answers to your questions are (very briefly) as follows:

#1, depends on where you live. You need to research that.

#2. No.

#3. No, but if someone gets hurt, chances are you'll be sued along with anyone else involved including the property owners, including governments like municipalities.

#4, Depends on where you're shooting and how much equipment is involved and whether it's for hire.

There are, however, books on business practices for photographers, they're helpful to start but don't, by any means, cover the bulk of local scenarios. That takes research. I also suggest you join a local chapter of 1 or more professional associations and attend their meetings on a regular basis.
Good luck.
Take it light.

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January 20, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  To slightly clarify my answers:

#1. If you're in the U.S. and you derive income from any endeavor, section 61 of the Internal Revenue Code says income, from whatever source, is taxable. As to state taxes, county taxes for things like biz equipment, permits, etc., check with local and state authorities if you reside in the U.S. The fines for not complying with those rules and regs are pretty substantial.

#3. If anyone gets sued, you'd get sued along with them. Insurance doesn't prevent lawsuits but covers you, up to a point, in the event you are sued just as manufacturers have product liabilit insurance.

#4 The fine for shooting without a permit in a venue where one IS required, far outweighs the cost of a permit. This is a local issue as well. Some cities require shoot permits for stills, some don't, others say it depends on how obtrusive you are or whether you're calling attention to your shoot. One person with a camera and a flash is generally pretty ok. More than a subject and photographer and you start drawing a crowd including local cops, chances are you'll be required to strike the gig and go get a permit. If you argue about it and flunk the attitude test, chances are you'll be fined and required to get a permit on top of that.

Permits, btw, usually require a fee in addition to posting a bond of some kind (liability insurance in the name of the city) covering the city against any loss if someone gets sued. See #3.

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January 20, 2007


Raven Roberts
  Thanks alot for you help. You have been very informative and to the point.

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January 21, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  My pleasure R. ;>)
Be well and I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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January 21, 2007


Samuel Smith
  welcome raven,
so you want to be a fashion photographer huh?
yes as you said you do need help with lighting.
check out some of the classes here at bp.not real expensive and the reviews are pretty good.
do not listen to your friends reviews,what could they possibly know about the technical aspects of photography?yes they will like them,but of course they are not paying customers who expect the best and are they comparable to your competition.
I did visit your gallery.some of your poses are pretty good,yet the lighting was kinda terrible.some harsh and not flattering at all.
so I want to build a rocket.i have no clue as to propulsion or telemetry,but i'm going to build my rocket.please clear the neighborhood.
in my way of thinking,although a bit rude and short,is real.
hope your ok,sam

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January 21, 2007


Raven Roberts
  Well....I take cunstructive critisism very well (when it is constructive). Keep in mind....I've only been behind the camera now for 2 months. I feel confident that as time goes on my talent will develop and my "rocket" will sail without flaw. Thanks for the encouragment?


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January 22, 2007


Samuel Smith
  ok,my apologies raven.
now I will refer you to another members gallery,who I thought did amazing work and I believe is only 16.
her name is maria mcginley and she has a premium gallery.please take a look..
if you think I was harsh,go ahead and submit some of your work to a magazine editor.
I guess i,m not really a people person,sam

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January 22, 2007


Raven Roberts
  LOL. You don't have to apologize. I can't tell what your tone is over the computer. I will keep what you said in mind definetly. Do you have any suggestions on lighting?

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January 22, 2007


Samuel Smith
  did you visit her gallery?
most of my tone over the computer is viewed as tactless.
maybe you don't want to visit her gallery because?or you did visit it and?
I visit galleries constantly raven,i leave comments that are welcome and I leave comments that aren't welcome.
some say if it isn't positive they don't want to hear it,others want to know how they could have done it better..
mark gave you a great business sense of photography.
yet with a visit to your gallery I saw no knowledge or posting of your settings.again I revert to being tactless.
so,the road may not be downhill,sam

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January 22, 2007


Raven Roberts
  WOW!!!! Her gallery is stunning. I see what you mean now about the lighting. Much softer. I must admit I was going for harsh lighting in some of my pics and now I realize it could have been better just a little bit softer. Thank you for refering me to look at her page. I Have this wonderful book that I am reading through that is teaching me alot of the technicalities to photography. Hopefully in a few years I will be where I need to be. Ill work on the lighting and if you don't mind I would like to hear what you have to say. Your opinions may be bold but who am I to tell you that you should change. I'll take any help I can get. =) I recently learned about aperature and shutter speed. I decided to test what I learned on a sunset photo. Its in my folio if you want to check it out. I put the settings I used in the description just for you. Maybe you can tell me what to do different. Of course....if you don't mind that is.?


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January 23, 2007


Raven Roberts
  Mark......I took your advise and even though I can't afford any more school right now....I have a very good freind of mine with a degree in business to help me draw up a plan and advise me for when the time comes. I look to hopefully have everything together in the next two years or so after my talent is much more developed. Thanks for your input.

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January 23, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Good going Rav. Hopefully by then, your buddy won't be charging major bucks for services connected to that MBA he/she may be working on right now. :>)

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January 23, 2007


Raven Roberts
  Nah...she is one of those who got her degree and isnt using it. lol. We are pretty close freinds. But ya know....sometimes people arent who they seem so I'll be sure to keep my eyes open lol.

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January 23, 2007


Samuel Smith
  wheew,thought I was a gonner again.
i did go for a visit and leave a comment,sam

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January 23, 2007


Jane M
  You have an interesting and creative gallery Raven, I think harsh lighting has its place if that's the distinctive look you're going for - all depends on what you have in mind!

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January 23, 2007


Raven Roberts
  Thanks. I think I am going to practice a little more with children. You cant use harsh lighting on them really so it will give me a chance to do things a little bit softer. Maybe?

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January 23, 2007

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