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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

J Birch

What to charge a florist?

Heellloooo all, I have an aquaintance that just started up a florist business. She's doing well but needs some photos taken of her flowers for the bridal shows she does, and advertising (pamphlets, etc.). She wanted to know how much I would charge, this will be an ongoing thing as she wants a variety, so it will also be sporadic based on when she does the flowers. Kinda like a couple hours here, a couple there...not sure what to chrge? Anyone got any ideas, and please don't give me ....charge what you think you're worth blah blah blah. I need hard figures...please, as I don't do this (especially flowers) for a living. Thanks everyone.

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January 20, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Well, let me put it this way then:

First, don't charge what even you might imagine you're worth. Second, stop dabbling in what others do for a living.

Oh, and take it light.

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January 20, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  See, pricing is a tough propostion for those just starting out because your just starting out. You don't know what to charge. My normal advice would be check around. If you charge too much then people will wonder, 'Who does she think she is?' Charge too little and folks will think 'Why, what does she NOT know?' See the dilemna. Do research before pricing ANY job.

Aside from that, sice this is for a friend you might try the photo junky approach. Just an idea now. Don't charge for the first one. And she can advertise for you if you are going to shoot weddings. Let her see what you are worth and then next time you can break her in with the price. Or offer a discount per wedding that she sends your way.

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January 20, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Chris: While I agree with your overall pricing philosophy, especially in checking around, it seems you have two neophytes here: The first, is starting her biz and if she goes to a professional later for publicity shots, she'll likely go into sticker shock. Then the second neophyte who's likely going to waaay undercharge and then get a reputation as undercharging and essentially giving the work away because he won't take the time to figure out what he's worth.

My approach is if she's a friend, is don't charge her regardless of what she does or doesn't promise in terms of referrals which, beleive me, are more often than not, empty promises that professional clients don't make unless you're signing a contract for multiple shoots with specific dates.

As to a discount per wedding? I think you may have that one backwards. How can he discount his photography properly based on promises of future work. How do you make that calculation? You can't really. At least not with any accuracy. Besides, in the real photographic world, your expenses don't change, nor does the value of your time, when you're doing someone a favor.

Even when I shoot a charity event, say for United Way, I still charge all my film and any expenses. I just give them my time and take a deduction as a charitable contribution for the remainder. See what I mean?
Have a great weekend Chris.

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January 21, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Yeah, I getcha, Mark. My think was a lot more complex than my flippant answer, but you do have some good advice so I won't try to air it here. It is kinda tough to guess future discounts. Crystal ball in the shop and all. (har har) J. B. Just glasd you've got an in. Hope you make the best of it. See ya 'round, Mark. Good day, eh.

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January 21, 2007

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