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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Selling Prints - Should You Add Your Name?

I am about to sell two of my prints (11x14) and was wondering if I should add my name on the prints. What is the norm? Thanks.

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January 11, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  I'd say no. But get a stamp and put your name on the back.

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January 11, 2007


Kathy Radford
  Miriam, I have started putting my name on all of my photos. I think it is good that they recognize your work. When I look at a photo I like, I like to know who took it, but that is just my opinion. Kathy in NH

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January 13, 2007


Debbie Del Tejo
  All the works of art I see when I visit a museum are signed by the artist. If you consider your work ART, then I don't see why you would not. If they are buying it from you, all the more reason to sign it, since it shows ownership and pride in your work. I would not let that print out of my site without signing it.

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January 13, 2007 - Donald R. Curry

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Donald R. Curry
Donald R. Curry's Gallery
  I sign all my printed work. You should get recognition for your work.

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January 13, 2007


Darren K. Fisher
  I would say absolutely on this. Not only do you want recognition but you want to try and keep others from scanning your work and calling it theirs, so by having your name on there makes it a little harder. Still not 100% but helps.

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January 16, 2007


Shawn Jennings
  Miriam, I sign every print I sell and every time someone has requested a print they have asked me to sign it. I think that signing the print not only gives you recognition, but it tells the buyer that they're getting an authentic piece of work from you. And who knows, when you become famous, your signed work will be all that much more valuable. :o)

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January 16, 2007


Bill Wassmann
  I sign my name to my prints just as I sign my name if I do a painting. Sometimes I sign the print, sometimes the mat. I wouldn't sign if I were doing a wedding album but would put the name somewhere in the album, probably the back. The signature shouldn't be too conspicous so that it interferes with the image.
B. H. Wassmann

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January 16, 2007 - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Pamela C.M Lammersen
Pamela C.M Lammersen's Gallery
  depending on what the print is of I either sign it with my name in the bottom corner or use a stamp with my company name on the back. If you are selling it you deserve to advertise your name after all its still your work.

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January 16, 2007


Lynn R. Powers
  My favorite answer to that is,"Does God sign the beautiful sunsets?" On the other hand I have an Ansel Adams print and his embosed signature is on the matting. On a print without matting sign (stamp with copywrite) the back of the print. It may be helpful to you if you addd your catalog# also incase someone who sees it would like to purchase a copy. I never sign the front of a print, only the matting if requested.

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January 16, 2007


Carolina K. Smith
  I think the beautiful sunsets IS God's signature...

People have wanted my signature on my photos... it's personalized, they're proud of it, and it signifies that you are proud of it too...

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January 16, 2007

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