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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Carol L. Perialas

Using 2 photographers for a wedding

A friend of mine who is a photographer asked if I would be interested in helping her with weddings. I've done a few weddings, but stopped doing them because I thought they were too stressful. Basically she wants to be able to focus on the bride and I can focus on the groom and groomsmen while she is busy with that. She would be the main photographer and I would help her out any way I could, also using my own equipment. We both use digital. I'm at a loss as far as how we handle her work vs. my work. Do I hand over my card to her and she can alter them the way she wants and also how to be compensated for this? She has mentioned how much she would charge for a wedding with two photographers, but should I charge and hourly rate or one set fee. I would only help with the wedding, not the reception. I'm just contemplating whether this is a good idea or not, so if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Carol

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January 10, 2007


Jerry Frazier
  pay for 2nd shooting is usually around $200 to $500 per day. With $500 being at the very high end, and $300 being pretty avg.

Some photogs let you keep and use all your images, some don't. It's just up to the main photog (no standard practice there).

I usually let my 2nd use their photos all they want for marketing, web use, ect.

I use all theirs and mine for MY client (albums, delivery, etc). I would never use a 2nd's work and claim it as mine, except in a sample album, my 2nd's images might be in there, but I would let prospective clients know that.

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January 10, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
I do this ALL the time!
I hire 2nds to help in large events, I find that works for all of us, the client receives So much more for thier money, I usually don't miss a thing, and the other Photographer makes money and has a great time as well.
I pay a flat fee, I do all editing and pay more if they will do thier own.
and less if they are using my cameras and equiptment vs thier own.
During the Pre Wedding,I cover the Bride, they cover the Groom.
During the Wedding, I cover the Bride, they cover the Guests and Parents and a bit of the ceremony from a different angle witch we discuss before hand.
At the Kiss, we have both Cameras on them from different angles.
At the posed Wedding Portraits, We have the Cameras at different angles and I set the poses they shoot.
At the reception, there is two of us or more to cover the Bride and Groom and all the Friends,Family and Catering.
We have produced as high as 4000 useable prints at some high end Weddings, this = Great word of mouth, more business for myself and those I use as 2nd and 3rd cameras.
I usally keep a list of those who express a intrest in helping on events and that way usually someone is available- this is called Networking.
and it is explained to the clients at time and arrangment of contract.
I do hope this helps,

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January 11, 2007

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