BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Carrie Scruggs

Lifepics experience?

Does anyone have any experience using the Lifepics website for their business/proof/website? I am trying to set up my business doing mostly children's portraits and am looking for an online proofing/ordering system if anyone has any suggestions.


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January 09, 2007


  I have not used the one mentioned. I do use for wedding & event photography that I get great sales from. I use printroom for smaller jobs where I dont expect to have large sales from, but need to do online proofing.

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January 20, 2007


jennifer B. short
  I did use Lifepics for awhile but really did not like how the images appeared on the screen. They were a fantastic organizational tool and very efficient in thier orders to the printer. Just was not crazy about the image quality on the screen.

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January 21, 2007

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