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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Carrie Zohn

Letters Offering My Services

I'd like to send out letters to churches, schools, daycares, etc. offering my photography services for yearbooks, directories or just general photography. They would be tailored of course to the place that I would be sending the letter. I have a general idea of what I'd like to say but I'm wondering if there are any letters out there that are a little more professionally tailored so I don't sound so much like I'm "whoring myself out" so to speak ... and so I can sell myself while not sounding like I think I'm the end all-be all. Know what I mean?

Hopefully you can follow any of my incoherencies. I'm currently suffering with a sore body and a fever of 103 so I thought I'd brainstorm on some ways to get my name out there for my photography business.

Thanks so much for your time.

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December 17, 2006


Samuel Smith
  welcome carrie,
well as you put it you are whoring yourself out as we all do.
but selling yourself is the key.
but if you think you have to give up honor and values and scruples? your choice.
being paid for a service is being a whore,in a real sense,and being a bitch, by definition,is a female dog.
though I make no judgement,i question your premise.
you have the right to advertise without a preconceived notion that your clientele knows your what?desperate?
ya want to make a it.

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December 17, 2006


Carrie Zohn
  Thanks Sam. LOL. Yup, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. I'm just trying to figure the best way to word it and also should I just go through the yellow pages or are there lists that I can purchase for this type of thing?

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December 18, 2006


Samuel Smith
  ok. now that you seem to be overdoing your photo program,are these the results you wish to show your clients?
from your gallery it seems your dressing is better than your ability.just a bit harsh.
I ain't got much of a clue as far as writing.
I believe you need to get it right and tweek it,and not have to fall back on a fix it disposition.
don't know where you live but right now I would just put some flyers out.

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December 18, 2006


Linda Finstad
  Hi Carrie,
Merry Christmas
You asked teh very question I was going to post. I was wondering if there are any proposal letters out there (free samples) posted on photography web sites that a person could re- word to suit their own market.

I have photographed a couple of big groups - a riding school, and air cadets (photo day) for their co-operation I offer teh organisation 20% of the profits after cost, this is their incentive. However I would like to put together a compelling letter to send to other clubs. sugesting a photo day as a fund raiser.
has anyone any ideas?
I would also welcom any help and direction on the admin side of this kind of idea, I have only done 2 and there is lots of room for improvement on the ordering and collecting side
my email is (I live in Canada) if anyone would like to respond to me privately.

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December 19, 2006

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