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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Starlet A. Penn

New to the business

I am just getting started as a pro photographer. I would love to open my own studio. However, I have lots of questions about how to get started. I want to take the proper steps and need to be pointed in the right direction. Any suggestions on where to go, such as books, web sites, etc? thanks. Star

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December 16, 2006


Jessica A. Eiss
  An excellent book: How to Start A Home-based Photography Business, by Ken Oberrecht.

Also search the net, I've been reading for months....get onto some other forums, to get acclimated. Try,, have a very good business forum),

there's just a ton to read everywhere, you just have to jump in and get started.

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December 17, 2006


Samuel Smith
  i want to start as a pro photographer?

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December 17, 2006


Starlet A. Penn
  Thank you Jessica. That will be very helpful. Samuel, yes, start as a pro photographer... meaning that I am moving it from a hobby into a career. Going to live my dream!

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December 18, 2006


Jerry Frazier
  Do your research. Go join the PPA and get the latest study on income of photographers. Go look at the BLS statistics for the avg income of photographers. You might think twice about it. It's dismal, at best.

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December 18, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  As Jerry suggested, before you even buy a roll of film, you need to do all of your homework and really prepare for this. That would include joining a professional association like PPA, among others and attending local meetings. Also, you need to write out and formulate a flexible business plan that covers everything from marketing to shooting space to equipment inventories AND various types of property and liability insurance.

That figure alone from either an association or independent insurance agent may be sufficient to either change your price structure or dampen your spirits but that's the reality of what you're getting into.

Having taken some classes in business and accounting are also helpful, having an accountant can be really helpful especially in the start-up phase or transition phase from hobby to business. You probably also need various licenses and/or a permit or two from your local city and/or county.

And while Jerry and I tend to be more pragmatic, I hate to tell ya Star but if you haven't considered all of these thigns I've mentioned, then maybe you ain't quite ready to make the changeover yet. Knowhatimean? I think Jerry and I can safely tell you from our own knowledge that the failure rate in this profession is quite high and most small businesses, let alone photographic businesses fail due to under capitalization and mis management.

Moreover, while I applaud your efforts to dream tremendous dreams, understand going in that roughly 90 per cent of your time as a professional photographer isn't spent living the dream of shooting but rather spent doing the less somewhat less dreamy and usually somewhat grueling ancillary tasks of paperwork, meeting prospective clients, selling your services, haggling over things like fees, rights, drafting delivery memoranda, traveling which gets kind of old after awhile, meeting with post-production clients, ad infinitim, oh and then some shooting in between.

Take it light ;>)

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December 18, 2006


Starlet A. Penn
  Jerry and Mark,

Thank guys for all of your input and advise. It is very much appreciated. I am looking into some of those things, but you suggested some things I haven't thought of doing, so I really am going to do more homework on this. How would I go about joining the PPA? I will go there next, in my research. Thanks again for any and all advise you can offer to me.


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December 19, 2006


Roger L. Wilson
  check with your local small business association. I did recently and they offered two hours of legal help with a small business attorney. He has gotten me up and running and has taken care of all the paperwork free of charge. All I had to do was a quick start LLC.

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December 19, 2006


Salvador Ayala
  one big thing you really need to think about is what kind of photographer do you want to be? There are many types of photographers hence many different ways to get your carreer started. If your going to be a fashion photographer for instance your going to need to do some assisting and your going to need to get yourself an effective agent. Where as a starting stock photographer will typically need a fairly large library of quality images aimed specifically towards stock before gaining acceptance into one of the large stock agencies. Just be realistic about what photographic niche you're best suited for and good luck with that. I just started my business six months ago myself, and it hasn't exactly been a walk in the park.

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December 23, 2006


  I want to get started as an astronaut. Any pointers, guys? I've been doing research all afternoon already!

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December 24, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Well, I'm not exactly sure W., but I recall reading somewhere that it really helps if an astronaut understands basic what goes up must come down....eventually. I hear also that having a pilots license helps but only for landings or perhaps controlled crashes. Beyond that I guess you just need to start sticking your moon boots in NASA's jet way and see what happens.
And merry holidays W.

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December 24, 2006


  Thanks, Mark! I knew you can be counted on for good advice...

Well, I can get me a plane. That's not a prob. But where do I get a pilots license? On E-bay? How much would one run me? Any rebate programs you know of?

And right back at you, of course: Merry Xmas. And to all BP-ans.

(It's already started overhere, 2 hours ago)

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December 24, 2006

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