BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 


Model releases

I have recently started taking pictures for a Hockey team. The team is sponsered by a local Bar. The team wanted some pictures for the Bar/Hockey team website. They have no pictures on their site. Question is do I need releases from the players to post the pictures on the bars website. I am not making any money from the pictures. Just for practice.

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December 07, 2006


Samuel Smith
  hey rich,
I really don't think you have a problem at all.even without knowing the ,if any,contract between the sponser and team(players),they have the right to promote their business if only because they are the sponsers.and since my thinking is you provide the bar the photos and they put them on their website and you aren't commercially making any money from the deal,and the players and bar both benifit,your fine.
now if your taking pictures for the team?just ask if it's ok to share them,sam

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December 10, 2006

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