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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Stephanie M. Stevens

Family wants me to scan portraits

What do you do when your family wants you to scan professional portraits? How do you make them understand? My cousin got her senior pictures done this year, and I know as soon as they get the prints they're going to want me to scan them and change them or make copies. They're difficult to stand up to, and they aren't really concerned with the illegality/immorality of it. How do you guys deal with this?

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December 02, 2006


  Tell 'm you'll do it if they first kill your boss. Tit for tat...

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December 02, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Tell them unless they produce a signed release from the photographer that they're asking you to steal. Plain and simple, and you won't lower yourself to that or participate in any way. And if they continue to ask, call the original photographer and rat them out. Likely afterwards, they'll be so angry with you for having done that that they'll never darken your door or call you again. :>) Or, tell them if they persist, your cousin's photos are going to end up on an FBI wanted poster for copyright infringment as a the kid's legacy to the whole family, a thief and a copyright pirate wanted by the federal government to be a copyright poster child. [I like this idea a lot].

Hence another dysfunctional family problem solved. If they don't like your conclusion, tell em to call Dr. Phil and still leave you out of it. You might also refer them to the site and tell them to read the penalties for infrngement. Once they get a load of that coupled with the fact that you're willing to turn them in to the photographer, they may get the gist it ain't worth it and to just buy a few prints.

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December 02, 2006


Stephanie M. Stevens
  That all sounds like fun, problem is that other than this issue I like them, plus we all live in the same house. :)

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December 02, 2006

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
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  You might try telling them that if they had asked YOU to shoot the portrait to begin with, there wouldn't BE a problem!
They can easily get it right next year.

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December 03, 2006

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