BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Tamra Walker

Day rate vs. half-day rate-please help!

Good morning all, I know this has probably been asked before, but my time restraint limits browsing through the forum. Someone is looking for a photo assistant to transport equipment and keep it clean and organized throughout the day. In the process, I would be learning more about lighting and set-up. It may be a great opportunity for me. It does require considerable travel time, gas, tolls, etc...and the contact person has asked me to come up with both a day rate and a half-day rate. What would be
reasonable rates for me to charge??? Thanks in advance for your quick response! -Tami

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November 29, 2006


Bill Hanscom
  Hi, Tamra

If you type in "day rate" in the Q&A box just above your question, you"ll find 5 pages of related questions and answers. The first question on the first page has one of Mark Feldstein's usual excellent answers. Hope this helps.


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November 29, 2006


Tamra Walker
  Thanks so much, Bill! I will do that right now. Have a fabulous day. -Tami

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November 29, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hi Tami !!
I think this may be the link to the thread Bill mentioned.

Oh and Tami, if you're looking to assist on a regular basis, you might contact the local chapter of ASMP and sign on as an associate member and get on their chapter certified assistants list. It could be both educational and pretty lucrative for you. ;>)
BTW, thanks very much Bill !!! I really appreciate your kind compliment. !!!

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November 29, 2006


Tamra Walker
  Hi Mark.
I owe you a VERY BELATED Thank you for responding to my question re: day vs 1/2 day rates...back in November! Please know that I do appreciate your response, the thread link, and your ASMP suggestion. I know that you and Bill answer a lot of questions from us lay folk :-), and that translates to a whole lot of time devoted to helping us out. So, thank you, again! Sorry it took so long :-( -Tami

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January 11, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Let's see.... Tamra.....Tamra who??????? Oh yeah, THAT Tamra !!!!! LOL !!! You're quite welcome, any time. Well... as long as I'm between gigs and waiting for the lab, UPS or Fed-X (singing "Some day my PRINTS will come."

Oh and BTW, depending on whether you're dabbling or actually working in the biz in any capacity, if you want to learn the business ropes, take a look at, and think about joining, This is a great group of photogs, mostly editorial shooters (including me), who regularly discuss biz issues and kick a lot of items, well, editors. .

Hope you're doing great Tam ! HNY and be well.

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January 11, 2007

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