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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Deb James

Another Model Release Question

I apologize if this has been covered already, but I couldn't find the answer by searching the forums.

I have hundreds (if not thousands) of photos shot with film from the past 20+ years. Many of them are of my three sons who are now all of legal age (18+). If I wanted to use any of these pics as stock, I know I need a model release. My question is who signs the model release? Should I have my Sons sign them because they are older now? Or should I sign them as their parent because they were young children at the time the pics were taken?

Thanks much!

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November 28, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Release laws are based primarily on contract law and a valid release depends on whether the person signing it is of sufficient age when they sign to enter into a binding contract. So if your son(s) are over the age of majority, 18 years in most states, then they're of sufficient age to contract and thus sign their own model release. Sooooooooooo, unless you're planning to back date the release, which you really shouldn't do for a lot of reasons, just have them sign a release dated now but be specific in the description of the photograph noting in the release the date it was taken. Like "This release is for photos taken of me by ____, on or about ______, 1960 when I was age ____.'re quite welcome.

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November 28, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  I meant to say a "valid release, in part depends on whether the person signing is of sufficient age...etc."
Sorry. :<(

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November 28, 2006


Deb James
  Thanks, Mark. That makes perfect sense.

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November 29, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Deb !!! You're quite welcome and nice response you gave to Wortman on downloading probably copyrighted stuff from the net. Couldn't have said it better myself. :>))

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November 29, 2006


Deb James
  Wow, thanks Mark! I guess that just goes to show how much I've learned by reading these forums. Something actually stuck! :)

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November 29, 2006

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