BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Susan J. Venegas

Holiday Pricing....for 4 x6 cards

Hi- I have a question. I am starting out new this year as a portrait photographer and am running a special for sittings and photos. $100 for a 30 - 60 minute on location shoot. Includes 25 4 x6 of favorite shot. I figure that is a pretty reasonable rate and it would be a good way to get some customers. Anyway, what would you charge for additional 25 4x6 prints?

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November 10, 2006


Deb Brown
  I have mine priced according to quantity. $1.25 for 25+ and for
100+ I charge $1.00---of the same pose of course. I still make out from the high volume orders.

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November 10, 2006

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