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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Scott McCord

Book Publishing Company...Legit?

I received an email from a representative from the Xlibris Corporation asking me to consider publishing a photo book. He said that he found my website on the Internet.
While I'm not really interested in this, I just wanted to ask if anybody else has received this email.
I checked the BBB and the company has a satisfactory rating and seems to be proactive in satisfying customers and handling complaints.
The company's website implies through their logo that they are a "Random House Venture."
What raised a flag with me is that the guy asked me to publish a book containing my senior portraits. How would a book containing photos of local seniors sell...I would think that it wouldn't sell at all..unless you published a book on how to take senior portraits.
Just wanted to know if anybody else has received this message and if it's legit.

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November 08, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Well, first of all, even if the company is legitimate, to sell portraits of H.S. seniors you need model releases signed by them if they're 18 years or older, and from their parents if they're not.

I don't get it either and the name doesn't ring any bells. Rather than asking the BBB, you could look in Writers Market or Photographers Market which lists a lot of publishers, or contact one of the associations for publishers and ask them. Better yet, ask the person who wrote you what your questions are and what professional associations they belong to. That oughtta give you some insight into what this is. Beyond that, when someone tells me a potential client is "proactive in handling complaints" I usually start to weigh anchor and prepare to get under way. ;>)
Take it light.

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November 08, 2006

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