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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

David K. Newman

Picture Pricing

While taking a few pictures at a local zoo, one of the docents asked if I would email her some of my pictures with the possibility of buying some of them in an 8 X 10 form. I have never sold pictures before and don't know what sort of price to put on them. Thanks for any advice you may have to offer.

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November 02, 2006


Brenda Tharp
  To keep it simple in this case, you could just double the price it costs you to produce the prints, if they are just for her enjoyment. I'm sure others will have an answer for you here, members that are not full-time pros but are selling prints here and there, yet lack the overhead I have. I'd have to charge more than she'd want to spend, as a pro. Has she given you special access to anything in the zoo? Is there a chance that she could? If she's in position to grant you special access that might lead to even better photos, you might consider giving her two 8x10s. This has great perceived value to her, but may cost you only a dollar to two to produce on your printer ... and get you some photos none else can get.

Editor's Note: Learn more about Brenda Tharp and her BetterPhoto courses by clicking here.

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November 02, 2006


Mary E. Heinz
  Scanning the posts here...on line...
here's my two cents worth/ I have my own prices for re-prints, etc...but I have set up a store front to sell images on post cards, greeting cards, everything from bibs to if anyone's interested in that type of work....I went to gives me the time and freedom to "create" and they do the "foot-work" for a small monthly far it's high quality products...AND ALOT OF WORK ! But fun.

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February 13, 2007


Linda Finstad
  Hi Mary

I tried a store front at cafe press but didnt sell anything at all - what kind of sales do you get (if thats not too personal a question) perhaps I was doing something wrong.

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February 24, 2007


David K. Newman
  HI Mary, Along the same line as Linda's question. I looked at Cafe Press' web site and determined that they had over a half million pictures on file and figured the odds of anyone even SEEING my pictures was very slim. Didn't think that it would be a successful venture. Am I wrong to think that way?

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February 24, 2007

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  I'm agreeing with Brenda as far as what to charge if they are for the docent's own enjoyment.
I don't see how the other responses apply.


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February 24, 2007


David K. Newman
  Bob, Thanks for your input. I did arrange to sell her quite a few prints and charged $5 each. I found mats and bags at and even with that in mind I'm making a buck or two and getting some exposure. Can't keep going at that price, but you have to start somewhere.

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February 24, 2007

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