BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Debi Chambers

No Soliciting - guidelines?

I am breaking into the real estate photography market, and want to get my brochure/business card out there. Is dropping off my brochure to the real estate offices considered solicitation? Thanks in advance. Debi

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October 29, 2006


Mike Rubin
  I would consider it a solicitation. Another thing to consider is that (at least where I live in CT) most agents use P&S digital cameras and take their own photographs.You might want to start with an ad in a Real Estate listing magazine and see what response it generates before publishing brochures. I wish you success.

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October 30, 2006


Debi Chambers
  Thanks Mike - good advice!

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October 30, 2006

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