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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Holly Marie Spoonley

A time to come together

Located on West Colombia Avenue in Kissimmee, Florida there stands a building. This building is only a pile of bricks by itself, but what moves inside this building is the heart of it’s existence. Women of all ethnicities and cultures move thru this building. Women who are pregnant, women who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy, women who seek help and education to their choices for the pregnancy. There are women who seek to reach out and to help these women to choose life, find families that will make a loving home for their newborn; women who want to help these women have a better start by offering clothing and other baby needs. Women that have an understanding and compassion for what these women feel inside.
I was one of those women seeking help and guidance three years ago. I was pregnant and divorced and wasn’t sure what to do, and how I was going to survive? I was scared. I came from an abusive relationship and my self respect had dissipated. I wanted to have my baby, I knew that, but what happens after? I drove past this building one day and read the sign, “Free Pregnancy Testing,” I knew I was about five months pregnant already, but something told me to stop in. I did, and it was the best thing I could have done. I received so much love, compassion, and support from these strangers. When I had my daughter Allison, May of 2004, I had the courage to bond with her and to make a lifetime commitment to her to always love, nurture, and support her. When Allie was born my love for photography blossomed to a new level. I couldn’t help but keep the camera near me at all times. I didn’t want to miss a moment! Friends and family enjoyed my portraits and wanted me to capture priceless moments in their lives. I realized what a beautiful gift a portrait is. That is when I returned to the building on West Colombia Avenue in Kissimmee, Florida. I met with Dawn Pate, the Director and asked if there was a need for my talent. “I want to give the gift of portraiture to new mothers,” I told her. “I want to capture the very first moments of bonding between mother and baby. “
Dawn looked up at me and smiled and became very excited! She showed a great deal of need for this addition to her ministry. We have created fliers that will be given to each woman that tests positive for pregnancy. The flier reads “A gift to you, a free photo session in the hospital of your baby’s BIRTHday, a free 8x10 will complete the package.” Any new mother interested in this service would contact me via the phone number on the flier to receive complete details. In a great way this is my way of giving back to the community that I have lived in for 26 years. This building on West Colombia Avenue in Kissimmee, Florida is the Osceola Pregnancy Center. This center sees over 40 women a week. The OPC helps many women to choose life over abortion. My hope is that women that are thinking of abortion will see my flier and will ask themselves the following question, “What will my baby look like?” Then maybe that woman will have the opportunity to find out the answer nine months later because she chose to carry the pregnancy to term. She will have that priceless memory preserved in a beautiful portrait.
What a beautiful gift!

My story has been shared with hundreds of pro-life organizations around the world. I have received numerous emails from crisis pregnancy centers that believe in my mission and are looking for photographers in their area that would want to give the gift of photography to a mother that chooses life instead of abortion. If you are interested in joining in the fight for life and feel it in your heart to share your talent with new mothers of a crisis pregnancy center in your area, please contact me. I will add your information to my website and pass your information along to crisis pregnancy centers in your area.

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October 18, 2006


Samuel Smith
  best wishes always holly,and good luck,sam

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October 19, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Part of why women should have the choice.

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October 19, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  A crisis pregnancy center does not lead women in any direction, rather it is a place where women go to seek the information and support they are looking for. Every woman that walks thru those doors has a story all their own. Many women feel pressured by their parents or by their boyfriend to abort and they are scared and do not know other options. Facts are supplied about all three options. Young mothers may not see an early pregnancy as a living, breathing baby and it is thru my mission and the mission of the center to educate them to know that this baby inside them is a gift from God and this baby is already living. It is said in Jeremiah 1:4-5a: (4) The word of the LORD came to me, saying, (5) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…."

I have had many photographers around the world contact me since this posting. I thank you all for your support. Many of you have already decided to share your talent to new mothers in your area that seek help with a crisis pregnancy center. I will be in contact with each and every one of you shortly. If you would like to join the mission and have not emailed me please do so.

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October 20, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Regardless of your mission to influence and persuade, if you like those words better than lead, as long as women have their choice to make.

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October 20, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  No one has the control over anyone's decisions. It is a matter of educating a young woman with her choices. I am pro-life and I belive in the babies right to live. There is no harm in believing in something and making a difference. My mission is to save innocent babies and I will use the gift that the Lord has given me to do just that. I appreciate your concern Gregory. I am just giving back to my community with something that I believe in and know to be true.

Isaiah 49:1b, 5a: (1) …Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name. (5) And now the LORD says- he who formed me in the womb to be his servant….

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October 20, 2006


  Can we please abort this topic and get back to photography?
Thank you!

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October 20, 2006


Sarah Constance
  Honestly I dont think this subject should be aborted. Holly is merley standing up for something she believes in and is asking for other photographers that believe the same to speak up. From what I read it didn't sound like she was stirring a debate. It sounds like Gregory was trying to. I think if their is anyone that doesn't agree with this they should not discourage her. I commend you Holly! God Bless you! And add me to your list for the Florida region. I will be happy to share my talent as an asrtist for such a worthy cause. Babies are a gift of love!

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October 20, 2006


  Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now get your foot out of the door or I'll turn the dogs loose!

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October 20, 2006


Sarah Constance
  W.S. if you do not like it you know where the door is. You are being entirely childish! You have made your point that you dont agree. Good for you, freedom of speech. Now off with you! Don't let the door hit you in the butt! You have totally gotten off the main subject. Now lets get back to it. A photograper that has a real talent and a real gift that would like to share it with others in a way that will touch someone's heart please stand up....all others may leave silently!

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October 20, 2006


  Poison Ivy

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October 20, 2006


Samuel Smith
  my best regards to you holly,and I would suppose those of your situation.please shun off all those of no understanding or pure crap.
to put it a bit more bruntly,how can a person who doesn't have a vision of life have a vision of photography.
technically a photo may be pristine,but without a vision,how does one elicit emotion in a photograph?
you have trampled upon the clover of a field w,and your hooves have left a scar upon the dreams of maybe just a few.stitches will not heal your nature or pay a small tribute to the young unwed mother.they are not changing a roll of film.
and now your sojourn to wreak havoc upon the decent and just is quite the tribute to your nature.
so for your weak and inhumanitarian response,i offer my help in understanding..i,if I can,will help you see,and hold no grudge.
fortitude has no boundries,and photography is just a way of expressing that goal,sam

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October 20, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Same song, lead with educating about their choices, but try to get them to follow yours. No more to really say about it. Yes, this whole thing belongs in your church, not really here.

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October 20, 2006


Sarah Constance
  A church is just a building, it is the people of God that are called to do his work.


I have sent you an email of photographer's in Texas, California, and Canada, please contact them to receive their commitment to your what's my baby look like? campaign. They were touched by what you are doing. I think that you should ask that photographers wanting to participate in your campaign send correspondace via your email. It appears that other members of BetterPhoto do not respect what you are doing and may try to discourage others from doing what they feel in their heart. Remember to focus on your calling, many will try to knock you off course, but keep a straight and narrow path and you shall succeed. This is your calling and God will bless you and everyone you reach.

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October 21, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  Sarah C.--
Thank you I did receive your email and I have already contacted your friends. Thank you for passing the word along. I will be emailing a packet of information to all the photographer's that have showed interest. Basically the packet includes a flier that basically reads What will my baby look like? An empty frame to the left and also that (name of studio/photographer) would like to offer a gift of a free photo session and 8x10 or proofs or cd of images (whatever photographer wants to give--it will vary) Please contact photographer a week or more before baby is due. This is a coupon that goes to all the mothers that test positive for pregnancy at the center. Anyhow, all the information will be in the packet.

Yes, I agree that if you are a photographer that would like to participate, please contact me only thru email Thank you!

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October 21, 2006


Sarah Constance
  I don't see any leading in what she is doing. The flier is merely a coupon for portraits. Still I think there is a strong mission and passion that she and others uphold for their gift of capturing portraiture. Beautiful! May you touch many more!

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October 21, 2006


  Two flew over the cuckoo's nest.

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October 21, 2006

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Will and Gregory, If you disagree, that's up to you, but disagree with respect. Holly started this thread about providing photos to help the morale of those who are down.

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October 21, 2006


  That's just plain silly, Dennis. Because it means that if my name were Mohammed, and I was fishing for photos to help boost the morale of "those who are down": my brethren in Al Queda, that would be allright too....

If politics, religion and/or morals creep onto this forum, it will be destroyed within a year.

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October 21, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley

When I placed this topic I was not out for telling people that this is the way it is. YOU MUST CHOOSE LIFE NO ABORTION! I never said that what I believe is the only way. I believe very strongly about my cause. Yes! But it is not the only choice. I understand taht many including you will not agree. That is fine I respect your opinion. I ask that you respect mine and the opinions of others.

I want to give back to my community and yes by offering my talent to women that are just starting out as mothers that is a gift. Many women that start out as new mothers are not financially stable enough to purchase professional pictures of their children. And if I save a few babies in the process what is so bad about that?

Our country is made up of many different opinions, you can not say that only one is right. I think that you are a strong believer in something but dont force it in this topic, I did not welcome negativity.

I have a cause and I will continue to stand up for it. Volunteering in one's community is important and only right. This is how I and many other photographer's choose to to do just that.

I dont see how sharing different opinions will shut betterphoto down. This is a community of photographers that share many different cultures, religions, and yes political stands. We have already welcomed opinion when we post our pictures for others to comment on.

I ask that you stop disrespecting the way others feel. Try to remain prefessional about things. You have stated that you do not agree, I thank you for your opinion. I also think that is topic is not for you and I ask that you leave it at that.

Without life there is nothing. Photography is an expression and a view of the world that lives around us. I agree with Samuel on that.

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October 21, 2006


  I think me and my buddies should come to your church and start a spirited discussion about photography. Don't mind us! You just go on with your service.

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October 21, 2006

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  I don't visit the forum often. When I do, I usually find there are good discussion points, and then there is someone who likes to stir the pot, just to see the reactions. And the more they get, the more they stir. It's a free world. But it would be nice if the person stirring the pot at least had some photos in their gallery. Otherwise, I have to assume they are not a photographer, and only someone stirring the pot.

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October 21, 2006


Samuel Smith
  gregory means no harm,all opinions should be welcome.and if a person is persuaded to follow..
sometimes a weakness,sometimes a dedication.
sometimes to apologize is the best showing of a persons character,or lack of.
ya want somethin scary..i am the vice-president of our local youth center.yeah,over 200 want me with my thinking to influence your kid? it kinda scares me.but shovel the blame my way.
sorry these mothers are scared,a fact of life.
i'm sorry ,and it didn't hurt a bit,sam

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October 21, 2006


Mike Rubin
  If you disagee with this thread, Just stay away from it. There are tones to it that I feel do not belong here,BUT Holly is trying to do something positive with her photography and I wish her the best.

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October 21, 2006


Shawn M. Marymee
  This my first time on the form. I have seen a great many informative messages but this one, I am dissapointed in. I came to learn more about my craft...not discuss ones personal veiws on Pro life or free choice.

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October 25, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  This was not posted to argue about views. In fact ,my posting is not about views period. It is about volunteering and giving the gift of photography! Why is it so hard to figure out!!!!

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October 25, 2006

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Holly is right. If you read her original post, she is talking about the gift of photography. It is others who intejected their personal views by bashing her. Another point, in the upper left corner of your browser is a "back" button. Use it if you don't like the post.

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October 25, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  "The OPC helps many women to choose life over abortion. My hope is that women that are thinking of abortion will see my flier and will ask themselves the following question, “What will my baby look like?” Then maybe that woman will have the opportunity to find out the answer nine months later because she chose to carry the pregnancy to term. She will have that priceless memory preserved in a beautiful portrait.
What a beautiful gift!

My story has been shared with hundreds of pro-life organizations around the world. I have received numerous emails from crisis pregnancy centers that believe in my mission and are looking for photographers in their area that would want to give the gift of photography to a mother that chooses life instead of abortion."

This was fading to the nether pages, but since you brought it up, you did put your views in it.

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October 25, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  I merely shared something that I was doing. I asked for people to share the gift of photography. Please if you do not like this thread, go find one you do like and stop bashing mine!

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October 26, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Where'd the free speech go that somebody mentioned?
Don't want comments on a thread, don't put it up.

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October 26, 2006


Sarah Constance
  Holly did not say freedom of speech was bad. But once you have made your comment and you decide this is not a thread for you dont comment anymore. If you read her letter you will see that she is merely explaining the facts. All crisis Pregnancy Centers offer education on all three choices ADOPTION, ABORTION, and, KEEPING THE BABY TO RAISE. Holy is offering photography to mothers that decide to keep the baby (this is a fact.) How does she offer a gift to photography to a mother that aborts the baby? LOL come on guys use your brains a little! Holly only intended to find other PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS that would like to team up with a center in their area to give the gift of photography. This is not a debate, it is not opinion based, it is fact. Get over your whole it's okay to abort, it's not okay to abort. You are missing the FACT of the thread. Stop trying to read the fine print...there isn't any.

Let it go! If this is for you please contact Holly, if not look on to another thread or start your own about abortion rights!

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October 26, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  No fine print, responding to regular print that she has plainly stated. Use your brain and go thru it again if you need to.

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October 26, 2006


Sarah Constance
  Gregory surely you have something better to do with your time, rather to harrass the member of BetterPhoto. GO DO IT!

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October 26, 2006


Justin G.
  She yes stated her views on certain matters. But photography is about emotion and passion. She's simply stating her passion and what compels her. You know, granted, we do have the option of free speech in this country (and this goes for BOTH sides of any story) but there are times when certain people need to be RESPECTFUL and just keep their mouths shut. This country has gone to shit when it comes to respect for others. Everything and everyone gets so "political" and they like to go against the flow just because they feel like stirring things up, then they use the "freedom of speech" right as their defence.

She simply stated what has been driving her photography. It's her emotions and passions. So what if it's pro-life. You know if she came on here and said "my photography is driven by nature's beauty and the splendor of what a sunset has, then I bet nobody would be on here bashing her. Let her be, let her share her passion and motivation for photography, and be be respectful yourself by not bashing her. If it had been a subject you had agreed upon, $1,000 you wouldn't be in here commenting.

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October 26, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  The subject of free speech was first introduced by someone else, and I'm not hiding behind it, pointing out the hypocracy of it's brought up when ever somebody has a counter point. Free speech, but not when there's a counter point.
Like claiming the victim role when someone says their being bashed, when they're not. It's ridiculous to put up a thread in the hopes of recruitment of photographers for the purpose of using photography as a way to people to not get abortions, put up quotes from a bible, then say please no comments unless you're in agreement.
As far as repectfullness in their comments, talk to W.S. or Sarah C., for she was the one who mentioned using your brain. And look at yourself while you're at it.
And also like I mentioned, this was fading to the back pages but it was brought back up again. So commenting is something that all these people aren't done with yet.

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October 26, 2006

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  I don't think the opposing opinion is the issue. It's the rude, insulting manner some have used to disagree. Free speech is alive and well.

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October 26, 2006


Sharon Day
  Holly's story was beautiful! And what is wrong with a person offering photography to help women in crisis choose life? What is wrong with choosing life in the first place? Everything in the universe fights to it's last breath for life. An unborn child would too if it could. Ok, that was my "free speech" ;)!

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October 27, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Who said choosing to see a pregnancy thru was wrong?

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October 27, 2006


Sharon Day
  Someone might ;)!

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October 27, 2006


Holly Marie Spoonley
  If interested please view our website at

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August 28, 2007

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