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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

John Raus

Simultaneous Multiple Magazine Submissions

Hi all,
I'm new here and have a question about sending digital flower/nature pictures to multiple magazines. I have about seven different magazines I can send them to, which begs the question: Can I send them to all of the magazines at once? The thing I'm trying to avoid is any legal problems if more than one magazine wants to use the same picture. Would they just put the picture in their magazine, or contact me first for permission to do so? Or should I just submit the pictures to one magazine at a time to see if it rejects/accepts them?
Best, John

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February 05, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  The acceptance/rejection process takes time ... particularly with the "majors", so waiting can cost you time and money. They will usually outline in their Submission Guidelines whether "simultaneous submissions" are OK.

Even so, you would be wise not to submit an identical photo to two or more rival mags, competing within the same market at the same time.

You can get around this by "bracketing" your compositions on key shots. A slightly different angle or perspective is an entirely different photo and could be submitted to a rival magazine.

As far as your legal issues are concerned, don't accept more than ONE offer for a given photo.

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February 05, 2005


John Raus
  alrighty-- thank you for your reply!


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February 07, 2005

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