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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Renee Olsen

How to Get Started Selling My Photography

I feel my photos are good enough to be offering services to such places as insurance companies, real estate agencies, and the like. My number 1 question: How do I go about it? My friend said she heard there is a 3-week class you must take. No problem. I am willing to do that while I finish my photography degree. But is this true, and if so how would I go about finding out that info? Otherwise, how do I go about offering my services and getting recognized.

This is not what I want to do permanently but would like to start bringing in some kind of income while I finish my degree. I finally figured out I want to do backwoods-type photos. My hubby has 20+ years in guiding and packing, and I feel this is where I am being drawn and then we will both be able to work doing what we love and, better yet, we can do so together :-)

Any tips, thoughts ideas, etc., is greatly appreciated.

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February 03, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
Learning photography is one thing, but getting people to notice you and buy your services is a whole different ballgame. You can buy mail lists of insurance companies and realtors from a number of places. One of the largest mail-list companies is Infousa. I have no idea the cost. Then you need to print up a slick promotional campaign with great photography. That is what is going to entice them into buying from you. My brother is a realtor, and he takes all his own digital pictures. Quality doesn't seem to matter to many realtors. He also buys pre-designed postcards from a company that specializes in package postcards. These cards already have stock photos on them showing people moving, a nice home, etc. When he orders the cards, he selects a design, and all they do is print his agency info on it for him. I bring this up as I wonder if that is a very profitable market for your services. I'll send you another email with samples of my latest promotional campaign that has been reasonably successful in this depressed photo economy. I send them primarily to advertising and design agencies.

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February 03, 2005


Carolina K. Smith
Would you be able to forward the email of 'some samples' of your latest promotional campaign to me too?

Thanks if you can,

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February 08, 2005


Angela Waite
  wagon wheel and Ranch conference centre
wagon wheel and Ranch conference centre

Angela Waite

I know a photographer that promotes to real estate market and it has been a tough grind since, as Charlie mentioned, they don't need high quality and cost is an issue. I have found that marketing to small to medium sized businesses is more productive as they are willing to give a newer photographer a chance. They don't have the budget for a well known photographer but since they end up using their photography for brochures, websites, etc., for probably a year or more, are more willing to pay a decent rate than a realtor would. That is probably a better starting point. I sent out a one page mailer with photo samples to companies that I recognized as a possible target from the yellow pages. If it is real estate photography you like, try marketing to the real estate developers, builders, event planners etc. They have more of a marketing budget.

Charlie, I would love to see your samples too if possible.

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February 08, 2005

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