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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Shari Morris

Model and Property Releases

This is going to be a multiple question. When are releases required for shots of buildings, businesses, etc.? Also, in most of the shots I take that include people (if they're not a friend or family), they have no idea that they're being photographed. They are more candid and journalistic photographs - i.e., "Guardian Angels," giving directions to a person on the boardwalk. Thank you for your help.

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June 03, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Hi Shari! I was wondering what the answer to this question is, too. Let's hope that someone in the know can help us. :-)

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June 03, 2004


  From what I have read a model release is not needed for editorial photography, but if you are going to use the photo for commercial, advertising photography, releases are neeeded because a person appearing in an ad implies that they are endorsing whatever it is the advertiser is selling.
On The other hand if a photo buyer wants a release whelther they really need one or not, I would think that you must get one if you wish to make the sale.

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June 08, 2004


D. L. Kimbler
  Commercial use in which a person or property are recognizable may require a release. The two keys are "commercial" use (not just advertising or stock) and "recognizable". Note that these apply to private property and individuals. Public property may have access and use regulated, for example National Parks regulate access for photography based on impact, but not use. Also, some buildings may be copyrighted if built after the early 1990's. If not for commercial use, though, the rule is if you are on public property and you can see it, you can shoot it (subject to general regulation of photography in that public place).

Del Kimbler

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June 08, 2004


Shari Morris
  Ok, let me see if I'm understanding correctly. If my photos are for personal use only, I do not need to have a release. But if I am photographing a person of building that is recognizable and I'm am going to recieve any compensation for the photograph, I need to have the release? What about for example in a National Cemetary? Do I need to have a release from the survivors of the deceadant if the names are readable or recognizable?

This is getting much more complicated than I had expected. Thank you all for your help. - Shari

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June 08, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Need a release?
Need a release?

Diane Dupuis

I'm also wondering about the model releases. What about people who we may photograph who we do not know and will never see again. It's not until I get home that I realize they are in the photo, and I have no way of contacting them. I'm wondering about needing releases from them to enter them in the BP contest? Or other contests? Thanks for your input. I've included a sample photo. I do not know who the spectators, referee or the girl in yellow are...

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June 08, 2004

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