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35mm SLR cameras

What exactly is the advantages of a 35mm SLR camera?

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March 29, 2004


  Amazing advantages-Your in control of the focus,shutter speed aperature visual affects.
Lenses are cheaper bodies sturdier, bodies cheaper and the joy of owning a manual camera.
yes automatics are faster, lens more expensive and more things to go wrong with them possibly.
i am a manual person witih the exception of a floppy maciva 91 and a minolta dimage 7
i use these rarely but enjoy them a freat deal and have a large capacity on three smart disk cards.
well thats my input-ken from alaska

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April 07, 2004


John P. Sandstedt
  Ken's response is a little evasive.

A single lens reflex camera allows the photographer to view the image that will be on the film of media card. Most provide about 95-97% of the actual image. Thus, the advantage is that, when you have zoom lenses, you can do "cropping in the camera," you can check your exposure and depth of field adjustment [presuming you have a "depth of field preview button,] etc.

Recently, Nikon and Canon have introduced SLRs that are really point and shoot cameras with lens interchangeability. Thus, you can't use a variety of lenses and stil let the camera do all/most the thinking, while you concentrate on composition. If you opt for greater control, you'll pay more - but, you'll probably be happier in the long run.

If you have a point and shoot, a rangefinder or a "smaller" digital, your viewfinder will, generally be slightly offset and, accordingly, you'll need to be concerned with parallax. You'll need to shift you camera slightly to assure the image is properly composed on the film or media card. And, remembe, using the LCD viewer on the digital won't solve all the possible problems. You've got to be absolutuely certain the "film plane" of the camera is vertical or else you get some undesirable effects [slanting walls, etc.]



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September 27, 2004

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