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Photography Question 

Jessica Jenney

Jessica's KODAK POTD

Due to popular demand I'm posting my KODAK POTD of 7/20/08. I went to Times Square to take photos of it. Here are a few:

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July 21, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  I see the June Finalists just came out. I'll get to this another time! CONGRATULATIONS to all!

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July 21, 2008


Jessica Jenney
Times Square:

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July 21, 2008


  Well that is just tooo exciting having your name and photo up in lights on Broadway. It's about time somebody recognized your wonderful talents. Congratulations again, Jessica!!

I think your Naked Cowboy should be this months submission for KPOTD. He would look great on the Jumbletron. LOL Enter it Please!!!

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July 21, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Ann! I already entered it! LOL!

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July 21, 2008


Stephanie Frey
  Congratulations Jessica! So exciting!

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July 22, 2008

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Very cool, Jessica. I almost contacted you last night as I remembered you had one recently. Do you live in NY or did you travel there for this? Must have been BP week at Times Square! I found out late yesterday afternoon that mine was up -- no email notification. It was my daughter's cat and I knew she would be as thrilled as I was to have it chosen (it was my first Kodak POTD). I did find someone to get the shot for me and it was as much a thrill to see my name there as to see the photo, I think :) Hope you don't mind if I post a link to mine, too.

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July 22, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Nikki! I saw that on the Kodak website! Congratulations! I didn';t get an email notification either! I also know of others who didn't! Anyone can post a kodak link here! :-)

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July 22, 2008

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Well I'm going to change my junk mail and spam filter--my husband has it set so I can't even look to see what has been filtered out. Checking the Kodak site is not a daily habit--someone else who does check it let me know--but I'm going to start checking myself. Who knows whose name I might see next :) Love your naked cowboy shots and the blur you put on them for entry. People are strange, aren't they :)

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July 22, 2008

- Sharon F. Morris

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sharon F. Morris
Sharon F. Morris's Gallery
  Congrats Jessica and Nikki that is so exciting. :)

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July 22, 2008


  Congrats to you too Nikki. That is a shame they don't notify you. If I ever entered and knew my picture was going to be up there I'd be on a plane in a hot minute. I'd have to see it for myself!!!

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July 22, 2008

- Elida Gutierrez

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Elida Gutierrez
Elida Gutierrez's Gallery
  Beautiful pictures.

Congrats to Nikki and Jessica for you KPOTD

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July 22, 2008


Colleen Farrell
  Wow, that's so exciting, Jessica--and Nikki, too! I didn't know they used your name, too! Fantastic! Seems like it would be easy for them to notify photographers when their photo was picked, but ...

Jessica, I wonder if they changed the color of your flower to match the other flower in the other photo?!! Or maybe it's just a big color shift due to the lighting in the billboard.

Very funny about the naked cowboy--I've seen/heard of him before. Amazing how little it takes these days to get famous, LOL!

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July 23, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Colleen! The colors were way off! But who cares! I wanted to see my name up there. At least they got the spelling right! LOL!

They usually notify the photographer a week in advance! Luckily, Lisa Boulden sent me an email telling me about it that very morning!

That cowboy was standing under the KODAK billboard. BTW, I also submitted a photo of that guy, the one in my gallery, to KODAK! Wouldn't it be funny if one day he looked up and saw himself!? He charges 2 bucks to be photographed with him! Nice way to make a living!

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July 23, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  A very short video:


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July 23, 2008


  $2 bucks!! Well now we know Manhatten is more expensive then LA. In Venice they only want a dollar to have their picture taken. LOLOL

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July 23, 2008

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