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Distressing Props

Does anybody know how to distress a book, making it look older than it is? I'm mostly concerned about the cover.

I have a book that was originally printed in the mid 1800's. My copy isn't original, it's a reprint that was printed in 2004, I think. It looks identical to what it would have looked like the same day it was printed. I want it to look like an original would today, not 150+ years ago. Anybody know how to do this?

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July 12, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Try reading it and then sharing it with your friends and family. ;>)
Take it light.

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July 13, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Funny Mark (and I agree to get the most authentic look) but I think Craig is looking for an old look - now...
Craig, you may try light sandpaper, steel wool or brillo pad on the back side and see if this gets the look you want. Maybe even mix a little water or oil and rub to see if it gets the effect.
I am guessing here but try experimenting on the back and get it looking right before touching the front & binding side. Good luck - Carlton

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July 14, 2008

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