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Nikon D80..Wanting More Information

I have a Nikon D80 and have a general knowledge of how to use it. I've read the manual a few times and although it's thorough it doesn't inform me the way I like. What book would you recommend for information on what to have your ISO setting such and such event, what lenses to use for such and such event, and so forth? Thank you for your time.

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March 06, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  I would suggest you look at the Nikon web site.
In thier store they usually have books and videos that may help.
Another thing to look for is the Nikon School Tab, Nikon puts on these 2-3 day school sessions in cities all over the US, Now they will help!

Or This DVD on ebay may be of intrest:


Just some thoughts,

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March 07, 2008


Todd Bennett

It sounds to me as though your question is not about the use of the camera per se; but, photography in general because you mention ISO and lenses. One book I read a few years ago was John Hedgecoe's Complete Guide To Photography. It even has practical exercises for you to do so you can practice what you've read. There are many other similar books that are "guides to photography."

Another option is to take some photograph classes, either from BP or from your local college.

Your question is somewhat vague and difficult to answer in that you don't tell us what type of photography you are interested in.

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March 07, 2008


Sandy Hawkins
  Hi Tasia,

I have the D80 as well and I took Simon's D80 class right here on BetterPhoto. I think you would benefit from it also. When I was looking for a portrait lens I also asked for Simon's input, and he was very helpful.

Feel free to write me privately as well if you have a more specific question about the D80.

Sandy :-)

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March 07, 2008


Robert F. Walker
  Hello, I have used the "Photobert Cheatsheet" for my Camera, the Fuji S9000. I looked at this site and they do have a "Cheatsheet" for the Nikon D80 Digital Camera. Try it and I think you will find it helpful. Condenses the owner's manual down to 1 compact, easy to read, understandable, sheet of laminated instruction sheet.

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July 20, 2008


Anna M. Bebee
  You might also try out

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July 21, 2008


David Van Camp
  Yes, has a free downloadable PDF "book" (also available via adobe's library) which describes the settings he prefers and, briefly, explains why.

I used this as an initial set-up for my D80, however, I changed a number of those settings later.

But, it does provide a good starting base, so I also recomend it. Yet, you will want to experiment to find the set-up that best fits you and your style.


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July 22, 2008


Crystal Zacharias
  I received the Magic Lantern Guide for Nikon D80. I was told it was quite helpful by other Nikon D80 users.

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December 29, 2008


Eivor Kuchta
  Nikon D80 - Digital Field Guide, by David D. Busch has been very helpful.

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December 29, 2008

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