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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Are there any other teen photographers out there??

I was just wondering if there were any other young photographers on this site, I can't be the only one! lol, I am 15 and grew up in Arizona, USA, 100%desert-born. WE just made a very different change of environments when we moved out here to Oahu, Hawaii early in '05. I enjoy macro photography the most, talk to you soon if there are any others out there, :P.
Aloha and Mahalo(thank you) for your quick responses,

~David Namesnik
Oahu, Hawai'i

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September 08, 2005


Justin G.
  Hey David,
Don't worry there's PLENTY of teens out here. hopefull you're not out to pick up all the ladies (because my sister is on here too!) haha just playing with ya. welcome to betterphoto. we have a fun old time here.

Two teens I know of are :
Caiti Goeden
Elizabeth Coachman

Anyways start off by telling us what you shoot with.


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September 08, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I'm a teenager too - many times over! LOL Actually, there are quite a few teenagers on this site, both guys and gals - good photographers too. Join in the fun and enjoy the site. You might even enjoy some of us old coots too. BTW, Justin ain't far from being a teen himself.

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September 08, 2005


Justin G.
  Yeah I guess I'm still a baby though. Hey Kerry guess what...I just turned 21 last Thursday so all these talks about these guys walkin around with a camera in the left and a bud in the right, I can finally join you guys! well legally now (lol) haha I wish there was somethign easier than that BP convention thing costing too much for all of us to meet.

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September 08, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Wow was that fast, lol. Okay, just wanted to be sure I wasn't alone out there, :P. nah im not out to get the ladies, :P again, lol. I'm jus out to see if thr really were any others, coolio, I guess I'm not alone then,

P.S. email me if ya wanna keep in touch, I'm not that great at keepin up on here, :P. { }
and by da wway brada', I don't mind hangin' wit' the "old farts" LOL.

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September 08, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Dave, compared to some of the kids here, you aren't too young yourself. There are a couple of 14 year olds and I think at least one 13 year old.

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September 09, 2005

- Sherry Stricklin Boles

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sherry Stricklin Boles
Sherry Stricklin Boles's Gallery
  There are some even younger...My daughter is on BP and just turned 12!

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September 09, 2005


Katrina McMeans
  I'm 18...does that count as a teenager or an adult? ; )
I know of one other girl, Casey H. and she's 14.

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September 11, 2005


Katrina McMeans
  Okay, I just re-read this thread and realized I didn't even say what I shoot with! (Sorry, Justin!)
I use a Canon PerShot S1 IS. It's all I can afford right now, in between car insurance and rising gas prices!
Come on over to my gallery and check things out! I am always looking for constructive critique!

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September 11, 2005


Katrina McMeans
  I'm starting to feel like I'm talking to myself, but I forgot to mention another teen photographer, Abby Way. I think she's 15.

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September 11, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Wow, I didn't even realize there were that many of us out there, lol. then again it makes sense in such a vast amount of people, :P. Oh well, hope we all have a great time and I'm proud to have joined, lol. Anyone who wants to check out my gallery, feel free and I'll try to visit a couple when I get the chance, as I said I don't have a ton of free time to be on here, but I will today since it's sunday, :P(again). Tty'all lata on,

Oahu, Hawai'i

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September 11, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Hey all, oops, I forgot to tell ya, as of right now, I'm using a Fufifilm S3000. But, I have about 600 dollars saved up, and in a couple months I'm gonna add that to some money from my dad and am planning on buying a good digital SLR and a Macro lens for it, so I can get the really close up shots I want,


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September 11, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Lol, unless there's a BP convention here on the islands, I doubt you'll be seeing me real-time anytime soon. We just got off the mainland about 6 months ago, I DON"T WANNA GO BACK! lol, oh well, ya'll have a good day,

Alohaz and Mahalo nui loa,
Oahu, Hawai'i

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September 11, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Welcome David, I think that I'm the first kid to respond, so, I'm 14. Stick around and you'll learn alot here!

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September 11, 2005


Elizabeth Coachman
  Hey David! I am a 14 year old... and know of a few teens: Caiti Goeden and I are friends, and then there's Elizabeth McNeil... but I haven't heard form her in a while.. she just got back from a missions trip. Well, I was gonna mention Brendan, but he's already responded. Welcom, David! I shoot with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT, 18-55mm lense... can't wait to get a macro lense. Later!

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Elizabeth C.
PS... Kerry Walker is a "teen" too - at heart. Love ya, Kerry!

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September 15, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Thank you, dear. Tell Mom I said Hi.

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September 15, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Wow, sounds like you all have a tight knit little cirvle on here, lol. Well, as I said before, glad to be part of such an awesome community and site. Well, most of oyu have some better equipment than I currently do(not that everything is equipment, but ya'll know what I mean, :P) But I am looking at getting an SLR sometime in the near future, within about a year(the only problem is the expense, amazing how much some of this equipment costs!) I'll take a look at all your galleries as I get the chance, talk to you all later, and ALOHA!


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September 15, 2005


Stephanie M. Stevens
  Hi David! I am 17 and also enjoy macro, although I do a lot of other work too. I am also looking to purchase an SLR as soon as possible, but I currently have exactly nothing saved up toward it, I keep finding other things I need! :)

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September 17, 2005


Elizabeth Coachman
  Kerry, I will tell her.

Cavid, we love to have you. You have and will be a great contribute to this community, I can tell. Keep on kepping on! And, the ONLY reason I have a (really)nice camera, is because my grandmother bought it fo me. I thought I wouldn't be getting it until sometime next summer. I had like $85 saved up towards it, and then BOOM. happy day.

Stephanie, you have some great photos! I really like Duck Looking Away, Sand Ripples, Snail 2, and Painted Zebra - very nice.. is this PS? I am sure it is, but if so, you did a really good job! Bravo!

Anyhoot, I gtg, later too all teens - and teens at heart!

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Elizabeth C.

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September 17, 2005


Stephanie M. Stevens
  Thanks Elizabeth! I actually work in Paint Shop Pro, I don't know if you are familiar with this program, but I love it.

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September 17, 2005


Forrest C. Wilkinson

I am 15 years old, I shoot for the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram and other DFW area newspapers with my friend, who is 15 as well. I enjoy working with landscapes, action, travel, and macro to go along with my job, sports and journalism photography. Whenever we shoot at some of the professional sports events around here, we always get weird looks and some of the pros compliments on our "young-eyes", but its all the more fun being the youngest on the sidelines. Not to mean that I can't wait to get older and get treated with more respect at some of the events ;). Anyways, my friend and I both own Canon Digital Rebels, all of our newspaper covered events are shot with the Canon 1D Mark II or Canon 1Ds Mark II. We use Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L, 17-40 Canon L, 28-105mm Canon f/3.5-4.5, Sigma 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 (those are the four we own), and shoot events also with Canon 300mm f/2.8 L, Canon 400mm f/2.8 L, and Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L. Just got back from a nice trip to the National Canyon parks in Utah, so I'm working through those right now, I posted some above, any critique is appreciated. But I do know that there are plenty of young photographers here, I expect this thread to keep on growing.


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September 17, 2005


Forrest C. Wilkinson
  Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
f/8, 1/250, Canon 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5, Outside Bryce Canyon Nat'l.

Forrest C. Wilkinson

  Glenn Canyon
Glenn Canyon
f/14, 1/250, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L, Outside Glenn Canyon.

Forrest C. Wilkinson Editor's Pick  
Thrill of Victory
Thrill of Victory
f/5.6, 1/250, 1600 ISO, Sigma 70-300mm, National Champion Carroll Dragon football team, Texas Stadium.

Forrest C. Wilkinson

Here are the pictures.

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September 17, 2005

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