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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Julie Turner

Where to buy portfolio folders

Hi, I have been looking everywhere for the portfolios that the photographers usually give people with their senior pictures and I can't find them anywhere. I have searched and searched on the internet and I did look at, but they do not have what I am looking for either. Can any of you guide me to a website that sells these portfolios or binders, or whatever they are calling them now? Thank you, Julie

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February 09, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Check with Adorama ( They may have what you want.

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February 10, 2005


Julie Turner
  Thank you Kerry, I will check it out now!

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February 10, 2005


Julie Turner
  I actually found the "perfect" website that has exactly what I am looking for so I'm going to share it incase anyone else ever looks for these

Thanks, Julie

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February 11, 2005


Wilson H. Valentin
  here is one site for you, hope this help.

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February 11, 2005


Rachel Tabron

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February 12, 2005


Julie Turner
  Thank you Wilson and Rachel, I'll check them out now. (Sorry for the delay in responding, I forgot to mark the reminder thread.) I did find a website that what I am looking for too and its called and its wholesale for business owners. I received the book the other day and they are pretty good prices so you might want to check them out also. Thanks again, Julie

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March 05, 2005

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