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BetterPhoto Member

Suggestions for portraits in a low light setting

I need some help. I want to get started taking pictures for local bands. My friend knows some guys in a band who agreed to be my "guinea pigs". I don't have experience taking pictures of people or groups. It's always been still life's set up in my home, where I've had total control. They know I've never done this before and are willing to model for me so I can have practice in exchange for having copies of whatever decent shots I might get. My problem is that they want to have the pictures taken at a bar they are going to be performing at next weekened. This is when they will all be together in one place. I like the idea. The setting could result in some great shots but I'm not sure I will have enough light. I don't use flashes, only available light. I improvise on my light source and it has always worked for me. But I think this time a flash is going to be necessary. But my pictures have never turned out using a flash. They always look washed out with too much light. Does anyone have any suggestions as far as lighting for this type of setting?

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February 05, 2005

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