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BetterPhoto Member

bellows added to modern cameras

I read an article recently about adding a bellows to modern cameras and I was wondering what effect this would have on such a camera.The article was about Novoflex introducing a bellows for modern cameras but cannot find anymore information about it. Could you please give me some information on this subject?

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January 08, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  A bellows serve one purpose - to adjust the distance between the lens and film. Period!
In laymen's terms, on 'modern cameras' (those that don't have bellows to begin with) adding a bellows increases the ability to focus closer with any given lens. The FARTHER you can move the lens from the film plane, the CLOSER you can focus. Hence, a bellows gives you closer focusing capabilities since it can move the lens farther away from the camera.
With regular lenses, adding the bellows will negate the lens' ability to focus at infinity, but when you want to focus at infinity, you wouldn't have the bellows attached to the camera anyway.

Some bellows also give you some large format options such as tilt, swing, rise, and fall.

Novaflex has long been in the bellows and macro business, and is a reputable company, in my opinion. Most major camera manufacturers like Canon and Nikon have always had bellows units in their lineups of accessories. Check them out.
Please contact me if you have further inquiries.
Michael H. Cothran

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January 14, 2005

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