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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 


Studio lights /props

where can I find used equipment for a home studio? I'm looking for lights and props! Can anyone pooint be in the right direction? thanks Tim

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December 21, 2004


Tommy Luca
  Tim try browsing the (news paper), (treasure hunt), check out ( classifieds ads), (*very nice equipment but not too cheap, (local camera stores), depending on your location try (Dan's Camera City), hope that helped you out.

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January 21, 2005


Michael H. Cothran

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January 27, 2005


Buddy Purugganan
  Tim, there's JTL Corporation ( email: ), Alienbees ( ), Britek ( )and Photogenic ( ).

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January 30, 2005


Tommy Luca
  Try also, they have some lighting and every kind of props you can think of, are awsome.
that's all I can give ya for now Tim.

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January 30, 2005

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