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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Abdulaziz A. Zarouni

How can we make our own home studio light

We all know that studio lights are costly.
Is there any way we can build our own studio light for home use, if yes, what type of light or equipment we should use?

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December 20, 2004


John P. Sandstedt
  Getting started need not be too expensive. I've succesfully used photoflood light for years. These are available at 250 and 500 watts, in white and blue.

In theory, blue photofloods are color corrected for 3200 K; I still use an 80A filter to assure proper color balance.

I use 5 and 10-inch reflectors inserted onto special sockets. You need to check these out since they get very hot. I have four portable light stands and a heavy-duty backdrop stand. You'll need heavy duty extensive cords so you can run them to several different receptacles on different circuits.

The "rub" on photofloods is that they are "hot." True, but I've never had my models start to sweat.

The point is that for about $150 you can be on your way. Then, once you've learned a little, you can graduate to the more expensive lights available, soft boxes, etc. Nobody said portraits would be cheap to produce; however, unless you're planning to do this often, photo floods let you get started and learn studio lighting inexpensively.

Hope this helps.


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December 28, 2004


Abdulaziz A. Zarouni
  Thanks John,this will help me start a step forward in my photography learnings.

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January 01, 2005

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