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Need bright diffused light for group portraits

I have a very small studio space at work to do portrait shots for web and some magazine use. I have three lights now, but need more intense and diffused light. Also I have a large more open area that I do group shots of 15-20 people or so that I need bright diffused light for. Any recommendations for soft box lighting. I've been given the OK to buy what lights I might need.
I have one Lowell Tota light, and 2 KW/2 lights that each have two 55 W lamps in them. I think maybe I don't have enough wattage.

Any ideas? i'm looking at this kit below.

DynaPhos Light Kit @ $460 ea.

Soft Box Dimensions 36" x 48" x 25"
Light Stand Min. Height 53"
Light Stand Max. Height 153"
Lamp 1000 watt
Volts 120
Degrees Kelvin 3200°
Bulb Life 1500 Hours
Light Spread The softbox eliminates the hot spots and distributes light evenly.
MagmaTM Fabric High-heat resistence.
Heat Vents

Heat vents can be opened to allow cool air to circulate, keeping domes from overheating. Can be tented to prevent excess light spill in the studio or opened for maximum air flow.
Carry Bag The silver-lined softbox folds down compactly and stores in it's own carry bag for convenient storage and transport.
Dome Accessory Kit

Attaches to the dome face to create different effects The Circlemask produces a graceful, round reflection on your subject, perfect for creating a enhanced catchlight in the eyes or isolating a hotspot in the background.

The Louvers mask narrows the angle of the light, focusing the light on the subject and keeping it off the background.

The Stripmask produces a narrow, clean highlight and keeps the light on the subject and off the background.
Removable Face and Baffle The removable face allows for high or low contrast lighting while the internal baffle eliminates hot spots.

Using both the front panel and internal baffle results in a soft, even light with low contrast between highlights and shadows.

Removing the front panel and leaving the internal baffle results in slightly higher contrast and darker shadows.

Removing both panels creates high-contrast, directional lighting.

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October 18, 2004

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