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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 


I can't subscribe to the newsletter/send feedback

I've tried now to subscribe multiple times to the newsletter and keep getting nothing at all. It says that everything works fine, but when I don't get a thing. This has gone on for two months now.

When I try to send feedback to have the problem looked at, the message gets kicked back to my e-mail saying that it's undeliverable!

Finally, if I enter a question into this database, I check the box to be notified but never receive anything, even when the question is answered!

How do I subscribe?!? I love the site and all it offers, and would like more but I just can't seem to get it right! Please help me!!!


Christa Joubert

p.s. Simply putting the webmasters e-mail address or a feedback e-mail address on the site would take care of this problem, as well, I think.

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October 08, 2004


Kerry Drager
  Hi Christa: Sorry to hear about your problem in signing up for the newsletters. A quick question we always ask: are you getting the email notifications when there is activity on your discussions and questions at Betterphoto? But your response indicates that you may not be notified of my answer here either. Perhaps if you have spam filtering software - or size restrictions (regarding the newsletter - this could be causing the email to be filtered before it gets to you. If you get this response, and have further questions, you might want to email me directly:
Hope this helps, Christa!
Kerry Drager

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October 11, 2004

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