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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Legalities in taking public photos

I had my photo taken in Rochdale UK as I drove past a group of men in my car. I did not stop to ask as I was with my children and felt threatened by the large group which was possibly a local religious group. I am concerned that my photo could be published in newsletter or something suggesting something bad. They did not have my permission to take the photo, I was not asked, just took the photo as I innocently drove past. I am now concerned what are the legal issues involved here can they do that? what if my photo gets published somewhere and affects my reputation/credibility or implies something bad, what can I do where do I stand can you help?? very concerned and angry. Many thanks

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July 01, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Nothing illegal about taking a picture.
Only if how the picture is used, such as in commercial advertisements. Slander has to be proven that false information damaged you.
Right now your fear is getting the best of you. This could possibly be a case of if it's a religious group, they may have had problems with people coming by vandalizing, so they may be concerned about you. Or the guy could have gotten a new camera and was playing around with it.

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July 01, 2004

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