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Photography Question 

Blanca Acosta

I'm more confussed than Hamlet! HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!

A friend of mine gave me Photoshop with book and all. I don't know where to begin! I've spent al my life studying and thus reading books. I've written books.
Would someone please, how to begin studying/using PS?
It's in Chinese for my stupid brain!
I have many images that I had "stored" because my friend had promised me PS. I tried to use it, to no avail, ...(
I don't have Yorick's skull, but if you don't help me soon, I'll become a crazy old lady with a cat in my arms asking To use PS or not to use PS?
Bewildered Blanca

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June 19, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Sounds like..."much ado about nothing".
(Sorry Blanca,...couldn't resist that one.):)

I don't use PS, and I've heard that it is a difficult system to learn, but I've also been told that the rewards make it worth the effort.
The people I know who have it started out learning a few basic steps and have accumulated more knowledge as time progressed.
The important thing to remember with ANY new system is not to let yourself get too overwhelmed. Start slow,...and grow.

Some who have posted questions about PS to this forum were recommended that they get a copy of "Photoshop For Dummies",... which might help to translate some of the techno-babble into language which is easier to understand.

Let me know how you make out, because I've toyed with the prospect of upgrading to PS myself.

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June 19, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  That's the problem with the book that is made by photoshop, you can read it and still not get a clear explanation of what does what.
I don't know what everything does, but until you find a book that explains things well, with some things like the filters, just keep using them with a stored photo so you can see what they do.
For simple things like cutting, moving,having color in a b&w, making collages, you can ask here and somebody can give you a quick explanation.

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June 19, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  There's a good book called "The Photoshop® Book for digital photographers" by Scott Kelby - which will actually walked you through every example in the book... I'd check that out....

In the end, there's a handful of things that you will use over and over again, and all the rest is just there if you want to use it.


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June 19, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  True. There are some things that are a different way to the same result.

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June 19, 2004

- Kelly Abernathy

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kelly Abernathy
Kelly Abernathy's Gallery
  Hi Blanca - like you, I'm very new to PS. If you're looking for a book, I just got a book called 'Teach Yourself Photoshop CS in 24 Hours". They have it for other versions of PS as well. I'm just getting into it, and it looks great - well laid out and easy to understand. Each hour teaches you something about the program - e.g. from opening and saving, to making selections, to adjusting color, to paintbrushes and art tools, to layers, to masks, to filters, to special effects to name just a few. Again, I'm just getting into it, but finding it pretty user friendly and it seems complete so far. I'm looking forward to working my way through the book as I think I'll learn a lot. I just picked it up at a Barnes and Noble, so I'm sure it's easy to find. Good luck -K

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June 19, 2004

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