BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Martha M. Hart

Minolta Film camera

My Minolta needs a new sensor, camera shop said they were unable to find a part and sent the camera back to me. I know that Sony bought out Minolta, but I find it hard to believe that a part does not exist. I have a zoom lens with the camera. Does anyone know a shop that can find parts for Minolta cameras. If not, would I be able to sell the lens? I have a Cannon Digital and Fugifilm digital. I still like film cameras and would like to purchase a new one if I am unable to fix my Minolta. Thanks.

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August 10, 2007


Jon Close
  The part may no longer be made (likely in the fast changing world of consumer electronics), or it may be that your local shop cannot get it from their suppliers. Sony took over Minolta customer service/repairs as well as their camera manufacturing business. Check with them.

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August 10, 2007


Samuel Smith
  hey martha,
you may be able to pick up a camera like yours off ebay cheaper than you can have yours repaired.i've seen some pretty good deals on older minolta film cameras and many come with extra lenses,maybe a flash.

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August 10, 2007

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