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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Lloyd R. Stith

telephoto lens to fit minolta camera

I have an old minolta xg-a with a MD 50mm 1:2 len. I am looking a the opteka 650-1300mm high definition super telephoto lensd. Does this lens fit my camera? And will it let me shot indoor action shots without a flash?

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October 08, 2006


  "I have an old minolta xg-a with a MD 50mm 1:2 len. I am looking a the opteka 650-1300mm high definition super telephoto lensd. Does this lens fit my camera?"
That would surprise me. I wouldn't take the chance.
"And will it let me shot indoor action shots without a flash?"
No. But it won't let you shoot indoor action shots WITH a flash either. Mortal flashguns don't have the oomph to reach subjects photographed with a '650-1300mm high definition super telephoto lens'.
With a '650-1300mm high definition super telephoto lens' you could – theoretically! – zoom in on the coach's notebook from across the domed football stadium and read it too.
Sound too good to be true? That's because it probably is, Lloyd!

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October 08, 2006


Jon Close
  Yes, Opteka makes their 650-1300 lens in MD mount that can be used on an old Minolta XG-A. Opteka site. It's usable for some purposes (long range wildlife, moon) if you don't expect too much. The aperture is fixed and only changes with the zoom. At 650mm it is f/8 only. At 1300mm it is f/16 only. Generally, apertures that small force slow shutter speeds that will not freeze action, especially indoors. The lens very long and heavy, virtually requiring it be used mounted on a tripod.

There was a very long discussion about this lens on another site's forum. Beginning at page 15 are some sample photos taken with this lens.

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October 09, 2006

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