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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Susan Eginton

BetterPhoto Member
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BP scores

Just wondering a couple of things -- what does the score given on my profile mean - that is, how is it determined?

Also, what is the difference between an Editor's Pick and a Staff Favorite in the monthly contest?

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September 28, 2021 - Larry Lawhead

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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  I've wondered about our "Score" as well, hopefully someone has insight!

As far as Staff Favorite vs Finalist, I believe it's just stages of judging.
Staff Favorites come out before Finalists (and Finalists before winners). I have had images which received SF later get Finalist, but not sure if that's always the case. Hope that helps...

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September 30, 2021

- Janet Criswell

BetterPhoto Member
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  First elimination round is Editor's Picks. From those, the Staff Favorites are chosen and from the Staff Favorites, the Finalists. From the Finalists the Winners are chosen. I believe activity such as giving love (clicking on the hearts) and comments on entries adds to the score, but I don't know where the info is on how that works. Hopefully someone else can explain that. Also, Susan, there is a new forum available which works faster. You can locate it at

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September 30, 2021

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