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Photography Question 
- Beth OMeara

BetterPhoto Member
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Contest Entries

Pardon me if this has already been asked. It has been a while since I have been able to actually get on to Better Photo.

I know it used to show under "My Photos" > Manage/Enter if a photo had been entered into a contest previously. But that seems to be gone now. Can I see this information somewhere else? I have a photo that I can't remember I entered or not, I THINK I did, but would like to know for sure.

Beth O'Meara

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November 02, 2020 - Jim Peak

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Peak
Jim Peak's Gallery
  Hi Beth,

No worries - thanks for asking. I am sure others will benefit from knowing... and it helps us all when people double-check before re-entering a photo (especially if it already placed in a previous contest).

Now, you can see "My Current Entries" and "My Previous Entries" as two links right under that "Manage/Enter" link.


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November 06, 2020

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