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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Sara B Coffey

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sara B Coffey
Sara B Coffey's Gallery

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Can someone explain to me how to go through pages of my basic gallery. No matter whether I click the number pages at the bottom or push any arrows on the page, it only circulates the images on that page. I have never understood this since they changed the format some time ago. What am I missing?

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September 29, 2020

- Janet Criswell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Janet Criswell
Janet Criswell's Gallery
  The pages do change for me using the numbers, Sara. Maybe something with your browser?

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September 29, 2020

- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Irene Colling
Irene Colling's Gallery
  Sara, I looked at your gallery. When I tried going to the next page the drop-down description got in the way and made it very difficult to click a number without clicking the description. Clicking the description opened the picture instead of going to the next page.

I was able to move from page to page clicking numbers after I got past your recent pages. The description was not as detailed on some subsequent pages.

Under 'My Better Pholio' click 'Gallery Settings'. Toward the bottom you will see 'Show Photo Description'. You can switch that off so it says 'Hide Photo Description'. The description will still be available when the photo is opened to 'Discuss' but it will not pop up to be in the way when moving from page to page.

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October 04, 2020

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