- Nikki McDonald Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
Changing Category I used to be able to change the category of a contest entry using the drop-down menu in Manage/Enter. Yesterday I entered a photo in Catch-all. Today I decided Elements of Design would be a better fit, so I changed the category. BUT in so doing - I used up my entry for today and ended up with none for yesterday.
Sharon Day |
Hi Nikki. I'm going to add a question too. I noticed not all questions get a reply. I wish I could help but I haven't been overly active and haven't kept up with all the changes through the years. Do you know what "contest limit reached" means? Thanks! Good luck on your question too.
- Ed Lauderdale Contact Ed Lauderdale Ed Lauderdale's Gallery |
Sharon, the answer to your question is that you have entered all you can into the contest for the day. The limit is tied to what type of gallery you have. For example - a Classic gallery allows one entry per day. I can't answer Nikki's question. I'll bet Jim can.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Thanks for helping out, Ed. Yes, that is exactly right. As far as one being used up by a category change, the system we have made is the best we can do at this time. I really appreciate all the support BetterPhoto gets - from Classic, Deluxe, Pro members to students to people answering questions and commenting on photos. You make BetterPhoto great. Thank you!
Sharon Day |
Thanks Ed and Jim!
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