- Natasha Pliss Contact Natasha Pliss Natasha Pliss's Gallery |
Can't send a comment I am trying to send a comment for today's POTD All is calm by Jeff Robbins. But it won't take it (never happened before). What is going on? Here is my comment: What? No comments?! Fantastic capture, Jeff! Strikingly beautiful colors and silhouettes. Gorgeous light! What a reward for getting up early! Please give us more images like this stunner!
John Koepfer @PresentPleasures |
Natasha, you may want to look in your own gallery, all past comments and hearts gave been lost.
John Koepfer @PresentPleasures |
Natasha I see you have a web site and not a classic gallery, so I am not sure you are affected, but everyone with a classic gallery lost all there comments and hearts yesterday and you are unable to comment on those that !ost there comment, can only comment on images upload after the situation occurred.
- Natasha Pliss Contact Natasha Pliss Natasha Pliss's Gallery |
First of all, Jeff, I am sorry for misspelling your last name. I know it's Jeff Robinson. Really sorry. Now John K., thank you for a nice news ha-ha. That's all we need these days. I am going to check it now. I just hope all the images are still there.
- Natasha Pliss Contact Natasha Pliss Natasha Pliss's Gallery |
John, I can see my gallery from My Better Pholio on the right off the screen but you are right - no comments and no 'love' numbers either. They all gone. I hope it's not permanent. Thanks for letting me know. STAY HEALTHY!
John Koepfer @PresentPleasures |
You are quite welcome Natasha, you and your family stay healthy as well.
- Reynaldo D. Reyes Contact Reynaldo D. Reyes Reynaldo D. Reyes's Gallery |
The comments are back! Stay safe!...Rey
- Reynaldo D. Reyes Contact Reynaldo D. Reyes Reynaldo D. Reyes's Gallery |
They're gone again! Must be the contagion!
- Joannie Bertucci Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Come on Jim you almost have it...the first page of my gallery has comments on the images but after that no comments on all the other pages...he is getting there!
- Oscar J. Pung Contact Oscar J. Pung Oscar J. Pung's Gallery |
Just discovered a ton of BP emails re comments in my spam folder.
- Natasha Pliss Contact Natasha Pliss Natasha Pliss's Gallery |
I have my comments back for now (I haven't checked hundreds of my images though). But all the hearts disappeared. Very sad. No matter what, STAY HEALTHY BP'ers!!! Oscar, thank you, I too discovered tons of emails with comments in my SPAM box but I can't open any of them because the links are disabled.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Yes, we are working on fixing these issues. It is a TON of work but we will do our best because we love the comments and hearts. Hang in there, and like Natasha said - stay safe, BPers. We love you and wish you the best during this crazy time.
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thanks Jim. I was pretty sure you guys were working your tailfeathers off trying to get the issue resolved. Are these scammers coming in through the “try before you buy” galleries? Perhaps you should shut down that option for a while if so. Aside from the fact it is costing you huge amounts of time and a lot of frustration for the members, it looks to me these are really just free galleries that some folks have been using for years, and yet there seems to be no limit on the number of images they can enter per day and folks who are paying for a classic gallery can only enter one image per day. Just doesn’t seem quite right to me.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
I think most of these are fixed. If you come across any that you cannot comment on, or the discussion looks messed up, please email bpsupport. Thanks and Happy Easter! Jim
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Jim, I cannot comment on the photo of the day. I also have Some images the never got the comments back.
- Joannie Bertucci Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
On my recent post I have two comments on it but received no e-mails about them!
- Martha R. Mazon Contact Martha R. Mazon Martha R. Mazon's Gallery |
Still a problem. I tried on today's POTD (as I'm sure others have).
- Joannie Bertucci Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
I'm still not receiving e-mails for comments on my images! This has been awhile now!
williambriggsphotos.com - William S. Briggs Contact William S. Briggs William S. Briggs's Gallery |
I was trying to leave comments on several photos that were second place winners in the March 2020 contest. Sometimes when I click submit the comment appears on the comment list and sometimes it does not. When it does not it just disappears and I have to re-type and re-submit it. I have no idea why it works sometimes and not other times. Could it be that the system can only process one comment at a time and if there is a conflict it just drops the conflicting comment? By the way this did not upload the first time I submitted it, I will try again.
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