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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Betty Ann Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Betty Ann Kelly
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How do I change the position of my photo?

I uploaded a photo and it is displayed incorrectly...landscape instead of portrait. It was correctly displayed in my files when uploading. I can't figure out how to change this. This has happened before. :(

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December 12, 2018 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hi - you can't change it at BP, after upload.
Chances are, while your PC software was displaying it as you expected, the orientation was not actually being saved into the image file itself. If you haven't opened the camera image file into an imaging editing software, and made the orientation change there, go try that then save the result as a new JPG file (with a new name) and see if that new JPG uploads successfully, retaining the orientation you expected...

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December 15, 2018

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