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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 
- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
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Contest winners page titles

On the contest winners pages, the May and June 2018 Second Place winners still have the wrong category titles. (The First Place winner titles are correct.)

Wondering if these are going to be fixed...

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August 30, 2018


Anita Bower
  I have found this confusing, and have the same question.

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August 31, 2018

- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jill Odice
Jill Odice's Gallery
  I was just looking over the contest winners for July and see the categories I thought were for August? I am confused...I have been posting photos of Abandoned Buildings all month thinking it was a category for I see it listed on July winners. It seems strange that many of the winners seem to have nothing to do with the categories they are under...Like under Horses( Animals) there isn't a single winner with a horse, or Bicycle Parts ( D and M) is all Butterflies? Fruit ( Still Life and Flowers) zero fruit photos...I am with many of you old timers here at BP and wish Jim would just leave the old categories as is, and maybe add a few of the new ones each month?

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August 31, 2018

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
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Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  It's like this every month. Apparently the 1st place winner labels can be fixed manually but the 2nd place labels cannot. So each month in order to figure out the winners and how they fit, you have to 1) remember the previous month for each category; 2) keep scrolling back up to 1st place to check each time you move on to a new category; of 3) print out a list of the previous month's categories (or, if you happen to be looking further back as I often do, months' categories) and keep it handy by your computer for reference.

Yes, it's annoying beyond belief.

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August 31, 2018

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