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Photography Question 
- Irene Colling

BetterPhoto Member
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Better Photo 2 for 1 sale

I have been trying to take advantage of the 2 for 1 sale going on right now but when I try to extend my membership I cannot get to the transaction page. When I am asked to log in I am told my email or password is invalid. Obviously I have a valid email address and password because I can log in to upload pictures and I can comment etc.

Has anyone else renewed their membership? Is anyone else having trouble getting to the transaction page?

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March 13, 2018 - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
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Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery
  I renewed my yesterday for the 2 for 1 but had no trouble. It has already been updated to the new date. Hope BetterPhoto sees this and can get it straightened out for you.

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March 13, 2018 - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Greenspan
Christine Greenspan's Gallery
  I'm having the same problem. Even though I'm already logged in, when I go to pay, it tells me to log in and then doesn't accept my info, says password invalid. I tried switching browsers, but the same thing happened.

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March 13, 2018


Susan Williams
  My membership expires in four days. I want to renew with the 2 for 1 sale going on, but it seems like I am purchasing a gallery for the first time. I want to be sure I am "renewing" and not getting a new gallery. I don't trust it. Also, I cannot find my membership status in my profile. Maybe the sale is only for new members. ?? It shouldn't be this difficult.

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March 13, 2018


BetterPhoto Member
  I've been trying to renew my membership too. But every time I attempt to do so I am redirected to a site called (instead of It asks me to log in even though I'm already logged in. And then when I try to log in again it doesn't recognize my email address.

The new website address,, suggests that this is a brand new site. Will my photos in my current gallery be moved over to this new site? Is this a new server?

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March 13, 2018


Susan Williams
  I took a chance and did it and everything worked fine. My membership now shows expires in 2020. The website may be the way BP collects payments. I received an email confirmation immediately after payment. Everything looks on the up and up.
(Thank you, Jim and BP Staff)

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March 13, 2018 - Jim Peak

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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Jim Peak's Gallery
  I am glad you got it all worked out.

Yes, I am using a different ordering system (at the .biz site).

After you click the "Purchase Offer" button, you'll be asked to provide Account Information. If this is the first time you've purchased here, just fill in the fields on that page. If not, click the "Sign In" link. I have been using a new order system for the last year or so. An account here is separate from your account at BetterPhoto. When my team sees your order, we will add 2 years to your existing Website (or set up your new Website or Gallery) within 2 business days.

Sale ends soon. I am so glad you're all able to take up the offer.


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March 14, 2018 - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Greenspan
Christine Greenspan's Gallery
  Thank you, Jim!

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March 14, 2018


Bill Johnson
  As best I can tell, the biz site knows nothing about the .com site data. However I do believe that Jim's workshops have been on the biz site, so if you enrolled in those workshops your data may be there. If you haven't, then I don't think it knows you. So finally I created a new account when I renewed with the sale, after having all the problems mentioned on the forum. At the end it said the "team" would contact me to see about new or renewal. So that should work then.

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March 15, 2018 - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Greenspan
Christine Greenspan's Gallery
  Yes it works. I renewed that way with no problem. Jim's team Took care of it very quickly.

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March 15, 2018


BetterPhoto Member
  It worked fine for me too. My expiration date did not change instantaneously. But the date did get extended to 2 extra years eventually, the following day.

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March 15, 2018

- Lindley Johnson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lindley Johnson
Lindley Johnson's Gallery
  It's not letting me sign in to renew, either. I can post pictures so it's obvious that I have the correct email and password. I'm stuck.

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March 16, 2018

- Lindley Johnson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lindley Johnson
Lindley Johnson's Gallery
  I sent an email to BP, got an answer and tried again - at the moment it looks like I am a new member. Hopefully it will update soon.

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March 16, 2018

- Lindley Johnson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lindley Johnson
Lindley Johnson's Gallery
  All updated now, so I'm set!

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March 16, 2018

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