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Photography Question 
- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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Any Members in Maine?

We relocated to Augusta Maine from Southern California in November. I was just wondering if there were any BP members in the area to go out shooting with? With all this snow, we haven't gone out much, but spring is coming :-) Looking forward to seeing lighthouses, the ocean etc...

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February 22, 2018


John Koepfer @PresentPleasures
I do not live in Maine, but have vacationed in your area and thought I would tell you of a couple places I really enjoyed. One was the seaport of Camden, they have many wonderful festivals and I really enjoyed the Windjammer festival in September, next if you have time check out Bar Harbor and Cadillac Mt. The sunrises from Cadillac Mt are awesome. You are in a beautiful location with many shooting opportunities, so have fun when the weather breaks!


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February 22, 2018

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