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Photography Question 
- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
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Shares to FB through BP

Used the share button to post my win to Facebook and was disappointed not to see the picture - instead there's an ad and viewers have to click to see my photo. Is this a new BP thing or is it due to the many new and annoying changes at FB or has it always been this way and I am mis-remembering?

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February 01, 2018


Ujjwal Mukherjee
  Hi Nikki,

I tried this sometime back ( early last year or so ), the 'share' option was never consistent for me in displaying the image on FB, it worked for 1-2 images and then did not work for other images that I wanted to share with similar result as you have described. The experience was again the same in my subsequent attempts. So, I had given up on that route and didn’t try again. Looks like it is still that way only .....


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February 06, 2018

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