![]() Bill Johnson |
July 2017 EPs, SFs, Finalists
Bill Johnson |
In case you're interested looks like the July contest will have about 4500 entries. I don't think any eps have been granted yet.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
Just checking in. How did you arrive at the 4500 entries, Bill ?
Bill Johnson |
Harriet, I simple check the view all entries folder and do the math. I may have divided by the wrong number of days in the month or there might have been a bit of an increase in response. Right now, it looks like we'll hit 4500 today. So I will revise my total to around 4700.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
You extrapolated, then. Thanks for the explanation. :-)
Cary Rogers |
Just tagging the thread. Good Luck everyone!
- Jill Odice![]() Contact Jill Odice Jill Odice's Gallery |
Any idea what is going on with the July contest?
countryimpressions.net - Tammy M. Anderson![]() Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
No idea, Jill. Wondered the same thing. This is the longest I had seen it go in my ten years here without EP's. Did they shut BP down without telling us. LOL
Cary Rogers |
well...if you click on the link for Monthly Themes, you'll see they are calling July's Theme the "current" one, and August's Theme as "upcoming"....(and it's August 5th) ;-) http://www.betterphoto.com/contest/themes.php
countryimpressions.net - Tammy M. Anderson![]() Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
I see you are right, Cary. That's strange.
Bill Johnson |
No, I don't think they shut BP down. One very likely explanation for earlier than end of July posting of June winners, and the non-upgrade of the August change of theme, and also no eps for the July contest yet (which is consistent with past practice) is VACATION
countryimpressions.net - Tammy M. Anderson![]() Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
Could be the reason, Bill. Still never seen it ran this way and wonder if Jim is the only one running BP. Lack of interest from them and me makes me have second thoughts about renewing here which is up this month.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
Well, I hope they get back to normal as soon as possible. BP has been a lot of fun and I hate to see people leave.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
Is anyone home????
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
I tend to think on the same lines as Bill. And I am with you Harriet on the second sentence, specially when someone, thinking of leaving BP, is a wonderful photographer.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
I think I am going to hold off on uploading and entering until the BP folks get back from vacay.
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
I"ve been a long-time member of BP and credit it with my love for photography. But the site has changed over the years. Maybe better in some ways, maybe worse in others. Many of my long-time friends have left the site, or rarely participate. I remember the days when the monthly contest had 20,000 to 30,000 entries, the forums were active, and multiple instructors taught many classes. I remember checking the forum multiple times a day to see what was going on, and checking religiously for EPs...then SFs, Finalists, and Winners. I had no social life; I lived and died by the BP forum and pursuing the EPs. :-) I don't have the same enthusiasm I used too, but I'm doing different things too that take my time away from BP. I don't think BP has the same staff they had years ago, to include class instructors and contest judges. I think Jim is working hard to keep BP running, which is a credit to his loyalty towards BP and its members. If you think about how long BP has been on-line, it's amazing when you consider all the other start-up, fizzle out photo sites out there. And even though BP membership has declined, there is a strong loyalty by many members to BP. So kudos to Jim and Denise, and whoever else is keeping BP afloat. And hopefully the consistency with the contest will return soon.
- Joannie Bertucci![]() Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Well said Ken, thank you!
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
Same here, Ken.
- Bob Cournoyer![]() Contact Bob Cournoyer Bob Cournoyer's Gallery ![]() |
Amen, Ken.... :-)
- Errick L. Cameron![]() ![]() Contact Errick L. Cameron Errick L. Cameron's Gallery |
Here is the link to the July Countdown Thread. Just another way to have fun in BP! hope to see you there. Errick http://www.betterphoto.com/forms/QnaDetail.php?threadID=42986
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
August is half way over, for all practical purposes. This means that my first entry in July is six weeks old and nothing so far. I don't even have an EP so I am hesitant to post any favorites. You have to have at least an EP to advance. Sorry, but I am getting frustrated as well as fearful. Not a lot of fun. I wish we could hear something just to know somebody is home.
- Dayna Cain![]() Contact Dayna Cain Dayna Cain's Gallery |
I love BP. Before I joined many years ago I spent a long time researching websites before I landed here. I chose BP for one reason. I wanted to learn photography and BP has the absolute best photographers there is. I studied your technique, your style, and basically everything you all brought to the contest each month. After a few years of being on BP I am still in awe of the talent that lives here. I will stay with BP until me or it one dies. I know I don't spend much time commenting on photo's but just so you know, I'm still watching and learning. You all are incredible photographers and I consider it an honor to be able to view your work. If it wasn't for BetterPhoto I would never be able to do that. Let's all ride it out together!
Rosina Horst |
That sounds like a good idea, Dayna.... Riding it out together. I am still pretty new here but I have enjoyed it so far. I too am anxious for the July contest to start being judged but I am sure it will happen sooner or later!:)
- Errick L. Cameron![]() ![]() Contact Errick L. Cameron Errick L. Cameron's Gallery |
I am with you Dayna. I very seldom comment on photos. (Although I make a point in responding to all photos on my countdown thread.). Quite some time ago I decided that time spent commenting was time that I could not spend on working, I mean playing with, my photography. Time is often demanding! Yes, there have been and STILL ARE many talented, creative, artists here in BP. I too will never leave BP. M ore for personal reasons as BP really helped me get through a very depressive time in my life. I hope that there is s predominance of like mined individuals as you folks and I here in BP. I invite more of you to join us in the countdown thread. This is just another way to enjoy BP outside of the contest race. I will be starting s completely different new thread soon that is not related to the contest. Just another way to enjoy photography and a way that I can give back to BP. I will post details here later.
- G. Margaret Hennes![]() Contact G. Margaret Hennes G. Margaret Hennes's Gallery ![]() |
Errick: Nice to hear your perspective! BP has been important in my life and has taken me from a total beginner photographer to a passionate photographer today. It also helped me get through a very rough period in my life. So, I too am a BP fan and wish the best for them going forward. BTW a little communication from Jim from time to time might put to rest a lot of speculation! Margaret
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
First of all, in an earlier post I spoke about how much fun I have had and my second post was not an attack on BP because I hope it stays as much as any member. However, I am frustrated. I bet I am not alone, either.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
I want to add that I am a little depressed over the lack of hearing anything from BP. I do appreciate the members who host threads and offer kind remarks on everyone's photos. I don't remark as much as I should but this does not mean that I don't appreciate the quality of work here at BP.
Ujjwal Mukherjee |
Tammy, I hope you’ll renew and continue here :-)
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
I agree with Ken's comments above wholeheartedly and attribute all of my photographic interest and knowledge to BP. If I had not bumped upon BP back in 2006, I probably would have not much interest in photography. I am thankful to Jim and Team BP for lighting the flame of photography in me which keeps burning. Kudos to BP and specially to Jim for providing us this platform where I share my passion and get inspired from others. Long Live BP.
Ujjwal Mukherjee |
Generally speaking, while it may be true that Jim is running the show himself ( because that can possibly explain the frequent long stretch of silence and less or no activities from BP end from time to time ) but that would be a speculation and I generally stay far away from it .......as I see, none of the things that are supposed to be taken care of, from BP on a monthly basis, are actually getting missed - EP’s, SF’s, Finalists and Winners all are being awarded before the end of the month, they are inconsistent but then even in the best of time, BP was never known for being predictable. But yes, the feeling that BP no longer have the same no. of staff as they used to have earlier is palpable and that can possibly raise many unanswered questions and speculations...... What is very noticeable now, is of course, less participation to comments,forum activities and in particular to the monthly contest, the entry count has dipped down to about 4500-5000 level. In my opinion, this will get a huge boost if Jim can arrange some additional incentives to the selected Winners in terms of Gifts through sponsorship etc. which will not be easy but surely will make a huge difference in terms of reigniting interest and participation to the monthly contest.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
BP has definitely helped me become a better photographer. I get asked, "What do you do with all those pictures". Now I have an answer. I post to BP. I hope for the best but some things need to change to insure that BP continues. I think we all agree about that. Well said, Usman.
- Carol Quina![]() Contact Carol Quina Carol Quina's Gallery |
- Bob Cournoyer![]() Contact Bob Cournoyer Bob Cournoyer's Gallery ![]() |
Woo Hoo for Jim!! I got an EP for July 1..... :-)
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
Bill Johnson |
Yes, the eps have begun. Good luck to all. Harriet, nice image; good luck. I've been without a computer for a couple of weeks, glad to be back.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
Put it in the correct thread. I am confused. Nothing new about that.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
Thanks, Bill. As you can see it is no longer in this thread. I put it in the correct one...finally.
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Wo Hooo. EPs for July 1 and 2. Keepém coming :)
- Leslie McLain![]() Contact Leslie McLain Leslie McLain's Gallery |
As another long time member, I agree with Ken. I know BP isn't what it used to be but it is still the best site out there for photographers to share their work. I, too, hope Tammy stays as we all enjoy her work.
Bill Johnson |
I think the slowdown/outage is over. Now onto EPs.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
You are correct Leslie. It is the first thing I look for when I check my email in the morning. Still the best!
Bill Johnson |
I think we lost some participation during slowdown/outage. Looks like we'll have about 4500 contest entries this month.
Bill Johnson |
New EPs have been awarded. I'm seeing them through July 4. Good luck to all.
Bill Johnson |
Make that July 5 on EPs. Good luck to all.
- Elida Gutierrez![]() Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
OMG!! What a beautiful words from all, I have been member since 2007 almost 10 years in November. I own my photography career to BP and "Butter Cream" from Kara, have so many wonderful friends here, I even hosted countdown theard for a wile, my happiest mommen was winning 1st place. For me BP was a wonderful place, to learn, but work got me so busy have barely had time to post anything. But I have allways miss it here, that's why am here again, and hope to be here until the end. I REALLY MISS YOU ALL!!!
- Jill Odice![]() Contact Jill Odice Jill Odice's Gallery |
I have been here ever since my original favorite site went down in 2005. I have watched it change through the years. I stay because I love seeing all the beautiful work that my friends post, and through this site have made many new friends. There are some people I feel like I know even though I have never met them face to face...there are others I go out and shoot with and learn from. When I first joined there were so many people commenting, the images were much smaller and there were prizes for grand prize, 1st and second places...the prizes were not anything spectacular, but it was fun to win an extra year now and then... With the new social media changes I find it takes me a long time to comment most days...I really want to comment, but when it takes up to 5 minutes some times before the comment posts, I get frustrated and quit. I have found myself spending less time on BP lately. I check in to see if there has been any updates to EPs, etc. and when I don't see anything happening I lose interest. I appreciate all the things that Jim does for us, we probably are not making him rich :-) I can not even imagine the work that goes into running this site on top of all the other things he has going on. So Thank You Jim ! We hope to be relocating to the east coast soon, so I am looking forward to all the new places I will have to explore...I will be sticking around BP :-)
- Leslie McLain![]() Contact Leslie McLain Leslie McLain's Gallery |
EP's through July 8th so they are moving along. So glad you are staying, Jill, as we would miss you and your beautiful images.
Bill Johnson |
Yes, Leslie, they're moving along up to July 12 now. Good luck to all.
Bill Johnson |
Make that July 13.
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
I see one under the July 17, too.
Bill Johnson |
EPs now through July 17.
Bill Johnson |
EP's showing through July 18th. Good luck to all.
Bill Johnson |
EPs moving quickly. Now showing July 20. Good luck to all.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
They are on a roll!
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Nov 22 got an EP too.
Cary Rogers |
[NOV 22 ??!! Wow, they are either working very slowly, or WAY ahead of the curve. ;-) ]
Bill Johnson |
Congrats Usman. For others of us, looks like July 22 is a more realistic date for eps. At least I'm seeing them for then. Good luck to all.
Bill Johnson |
Thinking we may see more judging happening soon.
Bill Johnson |
New eps seen up to July 24. Good luck to all
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Ooooops, my bad ...... Nov 22! what was I thinking? Well I see one under the JULY 24 now :)
- Leslie McLain![]() Contact Leslie McLain Leslie McLain's Gallery |
Looks like EP's are done through the 29th.
Bill Johnson |
Congrats Usman and Leslie for the eps.
Bill Johnson |
Now seeing eps through July 30. Just One Day More.
- Bob Cournoyer![]() Contact Bob Cournoyer Bob Cournoyer's Gallery ![]() |
I end July with 13 EPs out of 14 entries... Luck to all in the following rounds... :-)
Bill Johnson |
Seeing EPs for July 31. Round one may be complete. Good luck to all in the Staff Favs round.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
14 for 14. Happy. Good luck, ya'll.
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
22 out of 26 new entries got EPs for me.
Cary Rogers |
13 out of 14 w/EPs pour moi
- Joannie Bertucci![]() Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Well I had a miserable month of July! 4 EP's out of 9 pics! :-(
- Bob Cournoyer![]() Contact Bob Cournoyer Bob Cournoyer's Gallery ![]() |
Start rootin' for the Seahawks, Puddin', your luck will change.... ;-)
- Joannie Bertucci![]() Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Well it wouldn't have helped the game tonight! :-)
- Joannie Bertucci![]() Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Sorry about that Mr. Bob...You said Seahawks and I thought Mariners!!!! I'll never leave the Cowboys! :-)
Bill Johnson |
Hey, Maybe we'll see Staff Favorites today. Could happen...
- Bob Cournoyer![]() Contact Bob Cournoyer Bob Cournoyer's Gallery ![]() |
Did it happen, Bill, and I missed it?
- G. Margaret Hennes![]() Contact G. Margaret Hennes G. Margaret Hennes's Gallery ![]() |
Well, I missed the eclipse, so anything is possible!
Cary Rogers |
What eclipse?! ;-) I think tomorrow will be another marathon race from EPs through Gold
- G. Margaret Hennes![]() Contact G. Margaret Hennes G. Margaret Hennes's Gallery ![]() |
These Marathon finishes are kinda fun!
Bill Johnson |
Bob, Not yet but we do have until 12 pacific time.
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
I had forgotten how late in the month it is. Hang on for the ride.
Bill Johnson |
Today's the day!! Unless, of course, it isn't. Very seldom has the contest exceeded the deadline, but it has happened. Here we go.
- G. Margaret Hennes![]() Contact G. Margaret Hennes G. Margaret Hennes's Gallery ![]() |
Maybe they are being announced by snail mail? Good luck everyone and have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!
- Harriet Feagin![]() Contact Harriet Feagin Harriet Feagin's Gallery |
Unless there is a rush in the next six hours, I am witnessing a first, at least for me. Hmmmmm. Oh well, I will think about it tomorrow..... maybe.
- Jill Odice![]() Contact Jill Odice Jill Odice's Gallery |
14 outta 14 :-) Any word on Staff Favs or finalists yet?
- Bob Cournoyer![]() Contact Bob Cournoyer Bob Cournoyer's Gallery ![]() |
Nary a peep, Jill.... :-(
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Just woke up on Sep 1st, expecting to see the SFs but it looks they are still in the making. If memory serves me well, there was this once, in the last decade or so, when the contest results jumped the monthly deadline. I think there are still a few hours left before the mid night 🔔 in Seattle.
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
I spoke too soon :) SFs are out of the bag!
- Joannie Bertucci![]() Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
I guess I'm the first to report...one SF for me! :-) Good luck all!
- Joannie Bertucci![]() Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Harriet, you are a regular Scarlett O'Hara..."I'll just think about that tomorrow!" :-)
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Congratz to all theplayers, placers and Winners in July Contest.
- Errick L. Cameron![]() ![]() Contact Errick L. Cameron Errick L. Cameron's Gallery |
Here is your invitation to participate in the August Countdown Thread. Can't wait to see what you have to share! http://www.betterphoto.com/forms/QnaDetail.php?threadID=42999&inputID=205660 Errick
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